chapter 49 pain

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It didn't occurred to josoline that this would happen . She never imagined coming here would cause such a uproar, she wanted to leave this country so bad she felt like she couldn't breath. She sat at the center of the bed staring at her fingers in her lap. This felt the a dream , never did she thought that Leo would treat her this way, so cold so distant but then she did not do him good wasn't that what his mother said for him too be a ruler . He looked at her with so much hatred and now even if she tried to leave by calling his bluff the guards had not allowed her to leave, she tried but had failed, She was her in his room and could not leave he laid there sleeping away . Her back turn to his sleeping frame, she watched as the flames slowly went out. She believed it was about two in the morning. She stood and walked to a near window she took up the blank and sat there too cold and tired to stay awake. Everything within her wanted to lay next to him and let him cuddle her but she would never give him the pleasure of touching her. Not after how he implied she was a whore, not after he sent a letter to her family saying she would spend the night in the most indecent way, He held no respect for her or her family.  The man that she loved clearly had died but she couldn't hate him, his feelings were justified if she were to be honest but she was a woman now she could no longer dwell on the past and she had to move on. Her eyes felt heavy ...why was her heart feeling like she was glad she was here with him.

Leo woke by a small snoring sound his eyes fluttered open but Josoline was not by his side that side of the bed was cold. He sat up and his gaze landed on her sleeping frame , she looked so uncomfortable but why? She had rather sleep in such a state than lay next to him. His jaw flexed in anger, he rose from the bed resisting the urge to pick her up. He hovered over her , her hair in a mess  covering her face the snoring sound escape her thin pink lips that he wished he could kiss without her biting or him forcing her to kiss him.

He ran his hand through his tussled hair frustrated with the way he felt towards her, how could she just leave she was the most difficult woman he met; first she loved him then she wanted to marry his cousin then he learns of her betrayal then didn't care but she ran away making her family hide her where abouts, even the fact that she only just left a word message not even a written goodbye then she showed up with a man on her arm .

He would not have it. This would not be the end of there story , he loved this woman too much to let her go. He hated her to much to let her leave and be happy with someone else . He new that it was selfish but what could he do than battle his feelings.

He stared back at the eyes that looked up at him in fear.,"do not worry I will not hurt you and you know"  he said simply walking away to the wash room.

" Say what you may I do not know the man you are anymore" she hissed .

" You know I could say the same for you " he said emerging from the the wash," but in my years of ruling I learn to adjust and see the worst in people"

She stood still in her dress from last night ," I will send a maid to fetch you some clothes from the Queens closest. "

She didn't look at him still upset that he kept her over night," I will change when I get home"

He stared at her a part of him wanted to kiss her and the other wanted to shake her for her stubbornness.

"I'm requesting you to have breakfast with me and let's go for a ride or tea in the garden"his voice was soft , his eyes soften he approached her then held her upper arm gazing into her eyes," Do you not think I'm good company anymore because we use to love being around each other and I loved making you laugh" His voice filled with genuineness.

She bit down on her lips til it felt like it was bleeding , she tried to resist the urge to kiss him. That moment she saw and felt the Leo she fell madly in love with.

Her eyes searched his " okay," she said softly.

The smile he gave her made her breath hitched and she knew she still loved him with out a doubt because every  hurt disappeared.


Josoline had ran through the Queens closest and decided upon a simple lime green  day dress  it hadn't hugged  her body neatly so they sent for the seamstress and they made adjustments. The breakfast was quite and lovely every now and then Leonardo made a joke and she giggled like a school girl.

" The horse I prepared for you I hope you like it" Leo said as they entered the stable.

This brought back so much memories for them both. She smiled as the thought of how they met come.

" I know you are smiling because you are thinking what I am thinking " he said hovering behind her , she felt his breath fanning against his ear.

" I hope you understand that that day I knew you would be the love of my life " he admitted .

" I... I understand but we grew apart" she confessed.

He turned her to him," I waited for you" his voice laced with pain," and you went away from me Josoline"

She bit her lip looking away unable to see his pain filled eyes further.

" I waited ...."

" Leonardo I understood that we both meant something to each other but the day i left London was the day i left my love" she confessed.

He had brought her here for her to reminisce on the past and hoped that things would be the way it was left.

" What do you mean?" Holding her face aggressively to look at him.

" Are you saying that you do not love" his voice dangerously low." Is it Maxwell?"

The tears ran down her cheeks even when she was crying she was beautiful he thought.

" I" she stuttered," I do have feelings for Maxwell but this not him it's about"

One of his hand gripped her upper arm and the other held the nap of her hair tightly," then what is is about!!!?" He yelled.

She cried at the pain she felt and at how bad she was hurting him,she then said after a while." because ... You did not look for me" 

Her words came as a shock to him. He did look for her but her whereabouts seemed to be hidden.

" What?" He asked loosing his grips. She stepped away from him." I did look for you Josoline I did"

She made a fist ," you did claim you seeked me out but your the king of England if you wanted to find me you could have but you let me go. And I knew  I wasn't Royalty type but still I prayed you'd find me but you didn't ..  so I moved on and I intend to give Maxwell the chance he deserves"

" What are you saying.. I looked for you.." he told her , his eyes plead.

"You did not try hard enough" she yelled her anger was like a up and down.

" Josoline?" He stepped forward but she stepped back." You could have easily came back" he reasoned  feeling his heart strings pulled as she cried.

" Me!!!! Your mother told me to leave gave me the money and blackmailed me if I refused. All this is to leave the future king" she retorted." Do you know how it feels to live a life not feeling like your not good enough for the one person you love"

" Yes because that is how I feel"

She looked at him long and hard then smiled bitterly," goodbye"

With that she left he didn't try to stop her because he now realized what really happened.

Hope you like this chapter.

Love this story.


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