Chapter 35 What to do now

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Leonardo paced back and forth in the comfort of the King's throne room trying to think of away to deal with all this, he sat at the far right just staring at the throne this was his life ; his elbows on his knees he took deep breaths because he knew that his childishness will soon come to an end. He would soon be king and rule this lands, even the people of his land needed a responsible King maybe he'd start or stop wars, his eyes gazed about the room taking every gold and marble lines.

The Throne Room was the largest of the Palaces audience halls, All its walls were lined with bas-relief decoration and had painted plaster and brick decorating the upper part of the walls. Entering the throne room from the great northern courtyard through the western portal, the visitor was greeted immediately with many images: across from the entrance, bas-relief; depicting the king at war in two registers with a panel of inscription separating them; to the right, a pair of lion lamassu administered by eagle headed geniuses to the right flanking a portal to an anteroom ,bas-relief scenes of war, except for the panels beside the doorways which were framed with more geniuses, a pair of bull lamassu at an entrance to the far right near the throne , lion and bull hunts in the far right corner beside the throne and two sets of religious scenes depicting the king with divine attendants.

His mother had told him that he had lost because the known fact was lady Josoline had already chosen Ethan but he wouldn't see of it , the love he felt for her was even too unbearable for him to keep it to himself and it was inevitable that they would be together again.

He walked across the room to the Window staring down into the night with a bottle of brandy in hands the candle lights flickered as the wind blew. Why was having her so hard he thought as he place the bottle to his head , His mind flashed back to when they met in the stable and how far they came from how he loved touching her soft velvet skin or even listening to her rant about politics even though she knew she should not have much option on it.

All he wanted right now was to marry her even have a few kids.

Leo surprised himself as he laughed out loud Never in his young adult life did he thought that he could consider this.

He sip his brandy as it burnt going down his throat a million thoughts and no answers. Trying to figure out what was right , he looked down at the bottle in his hand ; he had been drinking very often lately, all the drama and stress was getting overwhelming.

His back was turned when he heard clicking of the heels he didn't need to turn around because he had knew the perfume scent anywhere..

" Lady Drusilla " He growled .

She stopped in her tracks half way to him her big eyes glared at his back. She stood silent for a moment waiting for him to face her but he didn't he just leaned against the glass window staring into the blackness of the night.

" Your highness I wish to address a matter" She said firmly.

Leo said nothing, he just took a sip of his brandy. He needed time to think to get his thoughts in order, He needed silence.

"So?" He harshly stated.

She was taken back by his coolness after the sense today he had owed her a explanation. They had made love serval times, she had been submissive to him in bed and in the society.

" You owe me an explanation Prince Leonardo " She boldly said as she marched up to him getting closer now she was only a few inches away.

A mocking laugh left his lips, She jumped in fright as his voice boom the the room.

His laughing stopped abruptly he turned to face her his expression unreadable, it held nothing that she could recognize.

" I owe you nothing.... " he said place the bottle down on the floor." I don't think you really understand the gravity of the matter"

Drusilla held her head high because if Leonardo thought he could use her the way he had done the other debutants or even how he had did the princess he surly was mistaken. The Queen had promised her a ring not directly but her father had placed enough pressure on her as it was already. She needed this her family needed the title her father had basically made it seems as though her entire existence was to marry one of these young princes and now he was changing everything . Her father already thought her incompetent so what would she tell him now that she laid everything on the line.

" I don't owe anything, " he scoffed," who allowed you in here anyways did I not tell the guards to not allow a soul in "

He walked away heading toward the throne ignoring her presence.

" Why because your afraid Ethan may kill you " she countered.

He gave her statement not much importance.

" I believe you have over stayed your welcome lady Drusilla.... You should go" his hands tucked into his trousers.

" I'm not leaving " She half yelled. " You had taken my maiden , you had told me you cared about me. How can you treat me like I'm nothing " She continued as the tears rolled down her cheeks .

Leo for some reason felt no petty as though he was broken he felt like broken man ..but why?

He looked at her , his lips in a line. But he said nothing .

She slowly walked towards him, her heels clicked her day gown swayed, her hair in a neat up do.That reminded him of when she first seduced him.

" I love you so much..." She breath out touching his face," why can't you see that? "

He held her hand to his cheek and kissed it," Because you don't love me you love my title " He said through gritted teeth as he flashed her hand away with disgust.

Her mouth close and opened she swallowed hard as if she had stop breathing.

" But I deserve it" She whispered angrily

He laughing hard," you are lucky I don't throw you out and ruining your family.... Because which father uses their only daughter to trap a man". He mocked.

There and then Durisella lost it . She slapped him in rage but it just felt like a stink to him.

Leo didn't move he looked at her in disgust.," You may leave"

" I will ruining you ....if it's not you I will get to her" she treated her voice cracked tears fell.

A evil smile appeared on his face he searched her eyes then said " I like to see you try."

"YOU BAST-" She started

The door knocked and a footmen entered bowing.

" Yes Joe?" He said looking at the woman he once desired Wonder what was he thinking.

" Your highness Duke Ethan will like a word...should I allow him in? "

He had expected him..only a matter of time

" yes.."


Josoline sat at her vanity brushing her hair,it cascades down her shoulders , she had been at it for about nearly half hours she stared blankly into the mirror. All her life she only had to worry about dresses , her education and being a proper woman never in her life had she seen her life in this mess.

She placed the brush on the vanity then swaying her hair to the right shoulder. She stared long and hard at the woman that stared back; the woman that thought she didn't need a man to define her now she was torn between two men one was going to possess so much power and the other was as important.

Now that her memory had returned she wanted to return with to her Chambers , with Becka, Ruth and Mari ;Oh she had missed them.

She eyes searched around the large bed room so unsure of how to handle her life . The secret was out now she had to wait, Would Ethan go or stay. She rose and looked at her reflection in the dim light that was of the lamp, the white night dress seemed interesting all of a sudden she needed to divert her attention else where.

A small knock frighten her, was it Ethan had he returned or was it Leo come to whisk her away that she secretly had hoped in her dreams.

"Come in" She said nervously her heart rapidly beating.

When the door open her heart nearly stopped.

"Let's have a word, shall we? "

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