Chapter 36 The confrontation

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" Your highnesses... " josoline breath out she crusty almost gracefully but she had stumbled her cheeks flushed from embarrassment.

She took a breath forcing her eyes to meet hers, Their eyes locked instantly.

Queen Eveline entered her room her Ravin black hair swayed over her shoulder, her eyes matched Leonardo . The woman was a beauty, Josoline knew why the king was so in love with her. Her Highness was still dressed in her evening Muslim gown her face was unreadable, She had close the door behind her then her eyes admired how simply pretty this girl was that had cause a rifted in her family.

She pressed her lips together in disappointment then started , " I hope you realize what has happened lady Josoline " she looked around the large room noticing how miss Prescott had not changed a thing to make it like home. She headed for the widow seat to get a view of the fountain in the dark moon light.

" My son and nephew had never had a quarrel, I tried to make each understand that they maybe better off leaving you "

Josoline stood still , her mouth opened and close; She gripped the hem of here night dress unable to understand why she would of done that.

" your high---;" She stuttered.

Queen Eveline placed her hand up cutting her off," I will not allow you to create havoc in my home with or without your memory" she firmly said .

" but-" josoline eyes watered up. Her body shivered when she cut her off again . No one known about her memory lapse and she had doubt she would tell a soul now that the matter had gotten so intense .

" I looked into your family Lady Prescott and I see your family has had a major financial lose.... " Her voice was stern and face masked cold." I will give you Enough money to pay your family out of death and put your father business in action once more"

Josoline went wide eyes from disbelief , her mouth hang open she had exhaled not knowing she had held her breath.

" w..wh..what " josoline stammered in disbelief. The Queen had known, now her back was really against the wall.

The Queen rose and stood before her, " but under one circumstance "

Josoline felt unbelievable Joy , was she serious.....oh my god but wait her heart knew this would come with a price.

Josoline and the Queen stood face to face, the intimidation that this woman possess was undoubtedly strong, no wonder she was a queen she had never seen a better match.

" I want you to leave this palace no longer than tomorrow. I will send you off then" her face never changed, that pleasant woman she had met was gone. Now she stood before her as if daring josoline to protest .

Josoline swollowed hard her lips dry and tongue got heavy. This was unexpected to be approached by the Queen herself was one thing but demanding her to leave was another.

" the scandal that you broughtup on this family I will not have . My son wants a woman of elite , prestige and modesty. " Her words cut deep like a knife.

Josoline begged the ground to open. Clearly the woman had known everything but how could she leave and not do what her family bidding and walk way from Leonardo.

" without your memory right now I will not be rude to you miss Prescott because your in a delicate state ...I will send you off and tell them that you need rest . I will find away to convince my nephew and son to forget you and if not I will tell them of what I know" she continued .

But Josoline never looked away, she tried to look composed and her face remained a mask cool..

" And what do you know your highness?" Josoline deared .

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