Chapter 2

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Josoline sat in the little library, reminiscing about all the times she had spent here. Everything felt so surreal . She  watched as the butterflies played on the Window, they looked so free and beautiful. It had reminded her of the time Max called her his beautiful butterfly.

After all she had been through a lot and  Maxwell was there for her. After what seemed like forever and what had seem like a never ending fight she was here with the love of her life but leaving and walking away from him was hard. She Wondered what he was up to even if the plantation was prospering.

" Oh Maxwell I'm sorry if I had hurt you" she mumbled. As she felt like crying.

Knocking broke her from her trance of just staring at the butterflies.

"Lady Josoline" called a female's voice on the other side of the door.


"May i come in?"

"Of course"

When the door open lady Hanna stood there. Her beautiful girl like face held a smile.

Josoline stood," Lady Hanna can I help you?" She asked with a smile

"I just wanted a little chat with you" she replied closing the door behind her." Never had the pleasure of catching up"

"Please seat" Josoline offered.

She took the chair before her .

Lady Hanna glowed , she was so pretty . Her hair pinned high and she wore a yellow Muslim dress .

"So?" Josoline started.

" Lady Josoline .. Im so sorry for what had happened with Lady Rebecca all those years" her tone held sincerity.

Josoline brows knitted," why are you apologizing?" She asked feeling a bit confused..

"Because after all these years of missing out on the love of your life you most feel hatred towards her but she is your cousin."

Josoline shifted in her seat ," So?"

"Nothing " she replied flatly given the situation she knew at hand.

Josoline brows furrowed," lady Hanna as much as I appreciate your concern I can take care of my cousin. No need to intervene."

Hanna gazed for a moment as if consider her next word," You have no idea what this place had become. You have been gone for years and people change for the good or bad "

" Excuse me?" Josoline retorted frowning.

" Even our dear king" she laugh bitterly " you came back into this joke of a society and you had gotten out..I really hope you made the right choices"Lady Hanna said.

" I think you should leave" josoline retorted after a moment trying to suppress her anger .

Lady Hanna never gave it a second thought she just stood and left . She knew she was out of line but someone had to tell her of all the good the bad and the indifference that had occurred all these years. Her only wish was she given it thought much thought


Leo eyed her as she strolled before him, her hips swaying . She looked lovely under the sun light as it kissed Her face he now felt jealous of the sun , even the wind as it below against her perfect skin.

They had been walking through the beautiful gardens . She admired each rose , she held her face up to the sun embracing it. She was trying to forget of the conversation that she had earlier.

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