Chapter 9 saving in the moment.

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The moment Josoline intertwined her fingers with his, a sense of trepidation washed over her. What if they were caught? The scandal would be insurmountable.

"Where are we going?" she inquired, her voice quivering with uncertainty. Yet, he offered no response, leading her silently through the labyrinth of passageways concealed behind the stables. They emerged into a dimly lit room filled with the musty aroma of old books, shrouded in white cloth and dust. Josoline couldn't help but marvel at the clandestine pathways that crisscrossed the palace.

Releasing her hand, he turned to face her, his gaze tender. He sought the privilege of engaging in private conversation, shielded from the prying eyes of courtly scrutiny.

Her gaze darted around the room, her heart fluttering with unease. Why had he brought her here? Was this his chosen rendezvous spot for clandestine liaisons?

"Why am I here, Prince Leonardo?" she ventured, but her question was met with a raised hand.

"Call me Leo," he interjected gently, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Why the inquiry, Lady Josoline?"

She averted her gaze, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "I was merely pondering why Prince Leo would bring me to such an unconventional location. It hardly befits princely conduct," she confessed, her voice laced with uncertainty.

His smile persisted. "Welcome to my childhood sanctuary. I haven't set foot in this place since my return," he revealed, his tone tinged with nostalgia.

As Josoline surveyed the room, adorned with relics of his past, her confusion deepened. "But why bring me here?" she questioned, seeking clarity amidst the antique furnishings and weathered tomes.

He settled into the love seat, allowing himself to unwind. "I overheard you conversing with my horse, and it seemed you needed a moment to yourself. After all, as you eloquently put it... boring?" His gaze lingered on her, but she kept her head down, toying with the hem of her apron.

"Well, I did wish for solitude, and if word got out that we were alone together, it would certainly stir up scandal," she confessed in a hushed tone, suddenly feeling bashful.

"Fair enough. I can leave you here. It's conveniently close to your quarters," he proposed, offering her an escape.

"But why leave me here? I haven't the faintest idea where 'here' is!" she exclaimed, sinking into a nearby chair.

"This is where we sought refuge centuries ago if there was any danger to us royals," he answered, his gaze still fixed on her. Her mouth formed a perfect "O" of surprise as she slumped into the chair. He found her natural demeanor endearing.

"So, I've heard that you were in America," Leo remarked. Josoline ran her tongue over her lips, and he felt an inexplicable desire to kiss her. He pushed the thought aside. She was innocent, unlike the women he had encountered abroad or the court ladies who pursued him, believing they held a place in his heart.

He scoffed, and her eyes shot up to meet his. Her brows furrowed, but his expression turned serious. "Did I offend you, Leo?" she asked, now sitting more composedly.

A rakish grin crossed his lips. "No, Josoline, just preoccupied," he replied, reclining in his seat. He placed his index finger on his cheek and thumb under his chin, a relaxed demeanor that oddly made Josoline feel flustered.

"You still haven't told me, Josoline, why you were in America?" he inquired.

She licked her lips nervously. " find myself," she stuttered, wondering when he gained such power over her.

"You don't have to be so shy," he said, watching as she bit her lower lip. "Many women would kill to be in your position right now."

Her brows furrowed further. "Well, I'm not like many women," she retorted, rising from her seat. "I'll take my leave. I think, Leo, you are one step away from scandal, and I'd rather not be a part of it."

He rose slowly. "Then leave," he said with a smile. "I know what you say is true. My brother is more Prince Charming, and I'm more...I charm, if I may."

She was taken aback by his bluntness. "But, Prince Leo, you are to be king."

"Yes, well, that's why I'm here. I must find a wife because my promiscuous behavior must come to an end," he said mildly, more amused than upset. "Those are my father's words, to be exact."

She searched his face for any sign of resentment. "Your parents are right, Prince Leo."

"Well, why do I feel like I'll go mad if they bother me any more?" he said, running his finger through his disheveled hair. "I don't even know why they believe I want to or will make a good king."

She looked at him, and he met her gaze. "Well, I believe you can be a good leader," she commented, her fingers itching to touch his face.

A cocky smile played on his lips. "This, I know. I didn't say I didn't know how to rule; I just don't want to marry."

Her eyes searched his, trying to discern the truth. "You can make love to your wife. She'd be submissive to you," she countered.

He laughed bitterly, breaking eye contact. "To find a woman to submit herself to me and another to bed is never my issue."

She admired him, noticing every detail. His chin, his neck, his Adam's apple—he was undeniably attractive. "So I've heard," she said, still fixated on his neck.

Leo's eyes snapped back to hers as her words registered. He grinned. "You have?"

He advanced toward her, and she stepped back until her back hit the wall.

Josoline Prescott wasn't his average acquaintance. Her hair and eyes stood out, and her appearance was that of a mistress and a school teacher. How he managed to look at her in that manner, he didn't know. Even the way she licked her lips when she was nervous intrigued him.

He pinned her against the wall, his hands on either side of her. He could feel her nervousness, her heavy breathing. "Tell me, what else have you heard?" he whispered in her ear.

She felt butterflies in her stomach as his breath fanned against her face. Her hands gripped her dress tightly. "I've heard of your shameful acts and your lack of regard for women."

He laughed, his breath still warm against her neck. "Shameful? More like sinful," he added teasingly.

She squeezed her eyes shut, his words stirring unfamiliar desires within her.

When she opened her eyes, they were locked in a gaze, his smile still in place.

"You should leave; dinner will soon be ready," he said.

Her eyes never left his as she gave him a small smile and nodded.

As she walked away, he watched her small frame sway, his thoughts consumed by her.

"Just take that door, and it will lead you to a small passage that leads to the servants' quarters," he added.

She turned, lips pressed into a thin line, and gave him a smile. "You, my prince, are a royal mess."

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