Chapter 24 We fall down

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Picture of princess Serena Waldorf on the side


" Duke Ethan it is good to see you" Serena greeted. Ethan bowed and automatically josoline bowed and curtsy in the presence of royalty.

" it is good to see you as well princess " Ethan said with a smile.

Josoline blinked and looked at the stunning beautiful elegant face that stood before her,this was his distraction she thought .

" lady josoline " Leo greeted.

He looked at her his expression unreadable. Hearing him say her name in that voice and without his adoring smile made her heart skip a beat it held no sentiments.

" your Highness " she managed dipped and curtsy.

The princess looked at josoline an smile " so this is the lovely lady that stole your heart? " she teased Ethan.

Ethan looked at her with a broad smile, his eyes held so much love, " yes...a matter a fact I was just telling her so".

Josoline felt weak all of a sudden when she realize how the princess was looking at Leo.

"  Leo had just told me a little of you two relations" she said in admiration . her beautiful set of teeth showing and josoline disliked her even more and the way she looked at him was of a woman in love and she knew this because she looked at him the same.

" So when did you arrive ?" Ethan asked.

" I came last evening " she answered.

" she was too tired to make it to dinner" Leonardo stated.

" Prince Leonardo told me to take rest, I was so happy to come here when I got word that Leonardo wanted me to come, I was beyond ecstatic . " she said touching his arm, her voice sounding of a school girl finally being noticed by her love.

Josoline swallowed hard, her throat dry all of a sudden jealousy eating at her her soul.

" oh really I see the trip to your castle was meaningful then" Ethan said.

" ahh yes it was that was the best two day " her voice sounded joyful and josoline couldn't bear it. All the blank spaces and unanswered questions now it all made sense now he only toyed with her.

" Leonardo promised that we'll have great fun when I'm here" she added.

" yes because you complained how boring you find it when you travel to do your royal duties " Leo interjected with a small chuckle that shocked josoline because it had sound so real.

She giggled and it had sound beautiful to Josoline ear ,even her laugh was elegant she felt sick again.

" Ethan I want to lay down I feel a bit dizzy " josoline finally managed.

" what's wrong?" Leo jumped to asked and touch her arm ,she flinched.

" please do not touch me " she hissed, she notice he stepped back and the princess and Ethan brows knitted. " Ethan will handle me your Highness... Thanks for your concern " she added.

Leo was taken aback by her words and how disgusted she seems by him. The sense of guilt and hurt washed over him all this was just pretend, couldn't she see through his facade .

"I'll see you" Ethan said holding josoline band walking away.

" she seems nice enough " Serena said as she watched Leo watched her walk away. " pretty too I hope they are happy together " she added. Leo jaw tighten and she noticed.

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