Chapter 1: Rain and Raid

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Her hair was dark but her eyes were like the sun reflecting off the ocean. They could pierce and stun anyone with just one glance. She wore colours like shadows of an abyss and tied her straight waist-long hair back into a pony tail. The London night was freezing. The wind picked up and bit at her pale skin as she looked across the suburbia upon a rooftop. She tightened the straps on her black backpack and strapped down her silent-stepping boots. This young woman buried her face into her grey woolen scarf- one end flew with the breeze. Vapour escaped her mouth as she breathed into the cold air. After tightening her finger-less gloves, she begins to run. She runs across each rooftop without being seen. No light hits her, and she made no sound.

She stopped. From her utility belt, she pulled out her GPS. She was above her location. She turned the device off and slid it back onto her belt. She slid down the back of the building and stopped at the first window she came across. She carefully opened the window and slid inside. Whichever room she landed in, it was too dark to see. She pushed herself straight to the floor and began to crawl silently. She heard voices downstairs in the building. Her eyes slowly adjust to the room. The walls were lined with boxes. Her curiosity brought her to open one. Electronics and wires could be found in the three boxes she opened. This is definitely the right place. She heard a woman beginning to raise her voice where the muffled conversation was before. The black-clad female sneaked into the yellow-lit hallway of the upstairs building. She was like a panther. She was silent. She was agile.

The voices downstairs were much clearer. There was a group of people all arguing about shares, money, and the best route of operation. The lady moved swiftly into a better hiding position to peer down the staircase. She saw the group around the table which was covered in papers and documents. The arguments calmed down into a goal-orientated conversation. "We can't do that yet. We must wait for the rest to destroy the German government before we attack." Says one man.

"We need to simultaneously get rid of all BBC News in Britain. It's the only-" Another person starts, but is cut of by a lady.
"There are other news stations." She said. The shadow-like woman relaxed into her hiding spot and didn't keep track of who said what, but instead concentrated on what was actually said.
"It's the BBC. Everyone knows it. Take it out in London first and use it as a distraction for the others in Germany. The group in Russia have been waiting to strike for weeks."
"Come on, now. We have one proper shot at this. If America and Australia aren't on board with what we will stir, then we don't get what we want."
"Devin... We can't just blow up a single radio station. That's only a good local distraction. We need to think bigger. I'm thinking a power serge. One that's so powerful-"
"That it bursts streetlights? Really? Again?"
"That it damages all equipment in every radio station and news casting organisation in the country."
"And where are maps of this-"
"The BBC have all of what we need. Then we blow it up as a local distraction. Go to where any maps tell us a power serge is possible. Knock it out. Wales and nearing countries will report. Germany will be attacked. Russia will be attacked. The Italian group will frame America for attacking Russia, breaking their trust. The American group will do their best to make this out as war."
"Hopefully the Italian group will-"
"They do everything right. It's in our best interest to keep them doing what they see fit."
"And the banks? After BBC is on fire, police will be distracted in the area. We take as much cash as we want. Blow up the banks we rob."
"Guys quiet down." Says a young woman's voice. She walks around the room. The hiding lady muffles her breathing under her scarf. She straightens her position in the corner of the room upstairs. The blonde haired lady whom is walking around begins to climb the stairs. She stopped and looks around the room without noticing the scarf-bearer before going back down. "I think we are being watched." She spoke.
"Is... Is she...?" A man spoke nervously.
"It was just a gut feeling." The blonde spoke. Everyone fell silent.

After a few moments, gun loads were heard being reloaded. The panther-like woman dashed downstairs at the speed of the same animal. The group of twelve yelled in surprise and began to fire their pistols. The woman dashed away into another room firing her own magnum at the same time. One person was hit and fell in pain. She shook as she covered her ears from the loud gunfire. This was not her sort of plan. She began to light the carpet on fire with her lighter. She ran into a hallway followed by hostile bullets. She was not hit, but her vision blurred. She must get those documents. She looked around the corner and fired her gun. A man fell to the ground but was not dead. Coughs from the fire in the other room could be heard, and some of the group tried putting it out. Sirens could be heard in the distance of London. She knew where they were going, and she had to be quick. The black wearer scooted into the dining area where the table of documents were and picked up a folder. She didn't need all of the other documents. She had gotten similar ones from Italy already. "Hey!" The blonde woman called and fired her pistol. This was a terribly aimed shot, and knocked out the ceiling light, showering sparks all over the thief. She bounded upstairs and burst into a room she knew was directly above the kitchen. "Come on, come on..." She whispered as she set up a small explosive and gave it a time of one hundred and twenty seconds. The woman was shot in the chest by the blonde standing at the doorway. "Rachel, isn't it? Do you really think that you, alone, could take on the GETA?" She spoke.
"How about you GETA life..." Rachel coughed and stood up slowly, her knees shaking. The blonde attempted to shoot the other woman again, but her clip was dry. Footsteps were thundering upstairs as the rest of the group traveled upstairs.

Rain began to pour as the police arrived out the front of the building. The group fell silent and began to dash into different rooms. "Bullet proof vest." Rachel said and picked out the bullet from above her right breast. The blonde looked in horror at the twenty seconds left on the clock. Rachel saluted before running across the room and leaping out the window. She crushed the bonnet of a police car, sending the many present police into a frenzy. That is when she ran.

She ducked and dodged through many buildings and busy late-night streets. A thundering explosion could be heard from streets away. Her bomb was right on time. She continued breaking and entering until she felt she lost the police. She rested in the vents of an apartment building for a few moments before crawling forward.

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