Chapter 15: Hit and Hike

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Phil aimed his handgun at the corner the group was going to come around. He could see their shadows, and he knew they could see his. Dan had quickly gotten changed into his bullet-proof vest and black spandex suit and put on his surgeon mask which, earlier, he had drawn a llama mouth on. He strapped on his very own utility belt and picked up his shirt, jeans, and leather jacket. He sneaked around the back of Phil in his new boots when he smelt the air. "There's a fire!" He exclaimed dumbly. Phil burst into a sprint and Dan did too when the group began shooting at them from around the corner. Phil was hit in the back, but he kept on running through the dark hallway. The bullet-proof vest served him well.

Phil followed the smell of the fire to guide their way out. Dan chucked his clothes onto the now blazing death wave, but he was reluctant to let go of his jacket. The two burst out into the open and ran to the other side of the car. They skidded to a halt on the wet road and crouched for cover. Dan's breathing was heavy but when he stabilized it, he asked, "Where's Rachel?" Phil looked at his best friend. He stared him right in his brown eyes with his icy blue ones.

"She might be still in there." Phil said. He then handed back Dan's phone which he turned on and checked right away. "Trackers..." Phil remembered. "Turn off your phone."
"They know nothing about my phone. It's fine. Just let me check... Oh." Dan said.
"What?" Phil frowned.
"Our Twitter followers haven't heard from us in a few days." Dan said as he tweeted something dumb and probably unnecessary. Phil forced his eyes closed.
"We are wearing high-tech utility belts, have been shot at, escaped a form of mafia, escaped a fire, and you're worried about Twitter? Dan!" Phil growled.
"We don't want anyone to get suspicious, okay? The GETA is already suspicious enough of us by searching through our apartment when Rachel fucking fell through the roof." Dan snapped.
"We have to leave." Phil stated darkly. The building entrance began to crumble. The two men ran away, leaving the dodgy alleyway and the British GETA behind. However, they knew the British group had escaped safely.

There were a lot more questions raised now. Did Rachel steal her equipment from the GETA like Dan and Phil just did? Why didn't Rachel reunite with them? Where do they go now? Dan and Phil ran across the busy streets and through quiet back-alleys until they were satisfied on a resting spot. They were exhausted, hungry, thirsty, and had a pounding headache each from over thinking and stress.

Dan checked his phone. He looked through his photos too. That is when he saw pictures of the documents Rachel took. "Oh my God." He said. He then looked in his notes. Rachel has written there.

"I have split up from you two but I can tell you can fend for yourselves. You socially awkward Internet junkies might not be so bad at handling a gun. You have all the information with you. Keep each other safe and hidden. I have to do something myself and I can't put you two in this amount of danger. You think you're in danger right now? Well, it's nothing compared to what I have to do. I need you to stop GETA. I know you can. Phil, you are so smart. Dan, you can charm anyone. Work together and you will be able to stop GETA. Thanks." Dan read to Phil.

"Holy shit."

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