Chapter 17: Artificial and Articulate

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"What do you know?" Phil asked Dan. They walked down the street, gaining weird looks from people around. They took off their masks.
"That was actually the medic we shot." Dan said.
"Wait... What?"
"The GETA always have their medic out in the field... That was so stupid of them to come out when we were still there."
"I'm actually embarrassed for them."
"Obviously someone who thinks up most of the planning is inactive at the moment."
"Good thinking Dan. Now let's see if that blonde is going back home." Phil said.  It was at that moment somebody squealed in excitement.

"Dan and Phil! Oh my goodness!" A teenage girl ran up to them and began laughing. This isn't good. "Can I get an autograph? Oh my gosh! How about a few pictures?" She pulled out her phone. A few other people began to gather too. "Danisnotonfire! Wow!" Someone said. "AmazingPhil is here!" The two men gulped. They wish they could stay and greet their fans, but they really had to go. Dan began in an apologetic tone, "I'm really sorry everyone, but-"
"What happened to your head? Poor Dan!" A girl said.
"We have to go otherwise we might get shot. No photos or autographs right now." Phil said and pushed Dan through the small crowd.
"What's with the suits?" A guy asked, trying to take pictures.
"I'm serious! We are going to be shot! No one take photos, please!" Phil pleaded. The British males then began sprinting away when they could, leaving a very confused group of fans behind. They put on their masks, and followed Stacy who had began to run further down the street.

The boys could barely run, but at least they tried. Stacy was very fast when she realized they had begun running. "GETA woman! Stop!" Dan yelled to her. Phil wanted to slap the nonsense out of Dan and yell at him for being stupid like that. No one stops if they're being chased. The small fan group had run after Dan and Phil too, filming them along the way. Stacy pulled a mass of cafe chairs and tables in their path, spilling drinks and smashing plates. Dan and Phil leaped over these obstacles, placing their hands down on the things they leaped over to stabilize themselves in the air, then rolling a landing on the other side. The fan group called out and cheered to them for putting on a good show. This was not a show, and Stacy needed to be caught.

Phil began to sprint as hard as he could. He had to dodge all people in the way to get to the blonde. Finally, he tackled her to the ground, and waited for Dan to catch up. "Rape!" Stacy yelled. Everyone in the area began to react. Dan caught up and spat, "Criminal!" The people around targeted Phil, but he wore the same sort clothing as Dan. They were confused and panicked. Some ran away, but some men took Phil off of Stacy, letting her escape. Dan then spear tackled Stacy once again, but this time she punched him in the nose. Blood dripped from his nose when he realized he wasn't wearing his mask, and neither was Phil. Phil broke free of the civilian's grip and helped pin down Stacy. They both stood her up and they held her wrists tightly behind her back. People were confused, and so they just continued on their way, feeling like they have interrupted the police's job.

"Name?" Phil said.
"Stacy." The blonde replied.
"Where is the rest of the GETA?" Phil asked. Stacy kept quiet.
"Is the person who makes up all your plans in jail or something?" Phil asked.
"He's dead." She said. Dan stared at her. She was telling the truth. This is when Dan stabbed her in the calf, letting her fall to the ground. She yelled out in pain. "See you in jail." Dan said with a smile, then grabbed Phil and ran off. People around panicked and began calling the ambulance. "Is that... Dan and Phil?" A voice murmured in the background.

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