Chapter 8: Dancing with Doctors

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Dan and Phil slept. They were exhausted. Rachel said they wouldn't stay there long, but the men weren't used to such exercise, not to mention the amount of emotional pressure they would have had to endure. Dan was still asleep when Phil woke up.

They were moving. Were they on a trolly? The click of shoes on tiles could be heard, and the white blanket that covered both Dan and Phil was blocking out a lot of light. Phil tried to remove himself from being on top of Dan, but a crash into a pair of doors forced himself down. The doors swung open with the force and the trolly- no, medical bed- kept moving. Phil yanked the blanket down so he could see who was pushing the bed. Rachel was dressed as a nurse and wore a mask with a little red cross on it. "Oh no..." Phil said.

"Stay asleep." Rachel said and covered Phil once again. There was another push on hospital doors. Phil was still sleepy and he tried to figure out how they got here. Dan started to wake up and he grumbled. "Phil... Get the hell off of me-"
"Quiet." Phil said, then covered Dan's mouth with his hand. Dan was quite confused and attempted to struggle free. "We are in a hospital and Rachel is pushing us so be quiet." Phil spoke quietly. Dan frowned and stayed still.

Finally, they came to a spare room and Rachel entered with the bed. She closed the door behind her. "Alright. Rise and shine." She said. Dan and Phil toppled over the side of the bed as fast as they could. They straightened their clothing and scrunched their noses when they smelt themselves. Rachel threw a hospital gown and a doctors coat at them. "Put these on." She spoke and turned around to place down some things she was carrying with her. "Dan, you wear the patient's gown." She said.
"What? Why not Doctor Dan and Patient Phil?" Dan asked.
"Good one." Phil chuckled.
"I have an idea." Rachel spoke.

"This is quite off topic, but what accent is that?" Phil asked as he slid on a doctors' coat. Rachel was cleaning and sterilizing the needle and bandage in some green-transparent liquid. She even rummaged around for other tools in the cupboards. "Australian." She finally replied. Dan and Phil both pursed their lips thoughtfully and nodded.
"Do you know any other languages?" Phil asked.
"Yes." Rachel answered, but gave off the impression to stop asking her questions. "Dan. I need you to look like a proper patient. Have you seen anyone wear a leather jacket under a gown? No." She said. She finished cleaning the needle, and gathered a few more to stuff in a small medical box of hers. Dan frowned. "So... First of all, you made us zip line down a rope thing in our boxers, and now you want me only in boxers?" Dan said harshly.
"Yes." Rachel smiled innocently, however it slightly unsettled Dan's nerves. He cleared his throat and stripped down to his boxers, the gown covering most of his body. Phil was checking his twitter at the time. Rachel noticed this and whipped around.

"Turn your phone off." Rachel snapped quickly. Phil looked up from his phone and stared her in the eyes. She resumed a neutral expression, hoping he would do as she said without the violence or scaring him. He sighed and turned it off. "Why?" He asked, then finally looked away.
"They can track you." She said. Dan folded his clothes as tightly as possible to put in Rachel's backpack.

"Alright. Guys," Rachel spoke as she stuffed everything into her backpack. It seemed like she could fit anything in there. The two boys waited for their instructions. "I want a certain couple of keys from the front desk, and a document from another room." Rachel explained. She walked over to Dan and brought an injection to his arm. He almost flinched away but she injected the serum before he could react. "What the fuck!" Dan exclaimed as he pulled away. Rachel took the needle out.
"Your bad arm should be better now." She explained, then taped a cotton ball to where the serum was injected.
Dan's voice raised in anger. "You can't just-"
"I just did." She cut him off. Phil's eyes burned with anger just as Dan's did.

"If you hadn't come into our apartment, none of this would have happened." Dan growled. Rachel sighed and took a step back. She lifted up her nurse mask to cover her mouth and nose.
"It was not in my interest to include you in this. I am so, so sorry." She said. Phil crossed his arms. Dan and Phil had never seen each other this serious or worried before. "But you have to accept one thing." Rachel decided to continue. Dan raised an eyebrow. "You must do as I say until you know what you're doing yourself. You will get used to it and another sort of common sense will kick in after a while. When everyone is safe, you can return home." She explained.
There was a silence. Dan and Phil exchanged a look. "What is your plan?" Dan asked. Rachel clenched her jaw thoughtfully before replying.
"Dan, you're a patient. However, you are a good looking patient. I want you to flirt with the female staff at the desk." Rachel explained. Dan's jaw dropped.
"I can't even talk correctly to Phil. How do you expect me to flirt with the staff?" Dan said.
"I was going to get Phil to be the patient, but I have another job for him." She said, "Dan, you're going to distract these nurses and staff. Phil is going to come with me. I'm going to give instructions on the way."
"Why can't I just hold a nice conversation with them?" Dan asked.
"Flirt with them. Trust me." Rachel spoke.

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