Chapter 18: Don't f*ck with Phil

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Phil's GPS was pulled out and he began typing in coordinates that was typed down onto a piece of paper. "What's that?" Dan puffed as they ran. Phil slipped on his mask and kept an eye on the hand-held GPS. "Follow me. They have a meeting before they blow up the BBC." Phil said.
"You stole papers from her when you tackled her, didn't you?" Dan asked. Phil laughed and they continued to run. They followed Phil's lead until they skidded to a halt in front of a nice looking restaurant. "No way..." Dan breathed, "Not dressed like this." Phil looked at his friend with a frown. Dan continued, "We need suits." The blood from his nose covered most of his mouth and chin.
"I'll get us some. Clean yourself up." Phil said. Dan nodded and hid away in an alleyway. He wiped his chin with a sterile rag and controlled the blood-flow to his injury while Phil disappeared. It was quite a while before Phil returned. He dumped a suit on Dan.

"What? Where did you get these?" Dan asked in pure curiosity.
"I... borrowed them from a... friend." Phil said, unsure. Dan stood up and began slipping on the crisp black pants. "I don't believe you." Dan said.
"I don't either." Phil responded, getting dressed also. They arrived out of the alleyway looking like normal dressed-up Dan and Phil, wearing white shirts, black coats, black ties, and more importantly, their equipment underneath these layers. "Let's go." Phil said.

The two entered the classy restaurant of red carpet and fine dishes and looked around. "Can I help you?" A man in a suit greeted the two YouTubers. "Oh! Dan and Phil! How lovely to see you here!" The man continued, beaming a smile. Dan smiled back. He opened his mouth to talk, but the waiter spoke quickly, "We only have reservations here, and you two haven't booked one in, have you?" He seemed nervous.
"Actually, we are here with those guys." Dan spoke and pointed at a table with two GETA men on it. Phil almost choked. The waiter bid them a good evening and continued to serve other guests. Phil held Dan's wrist as if to pull him back. "Do what I do." Dan said softly. The two headed over to the table and sat down with the GETA men.

The men were shocked. They froze. Dan smiled cutely at them, and Phil took one of the mens' glasses and drank from it. "Good evening, lads." Dan said, trying to choke back laughter. The men were wearing suits too, just like every other man in the building. A waiter came up to them and pulled out a notepad and pen. "Good evening gentlemen. Could I interest you in anything to eat or drink?" He asked. A waitress then stood by his side. "I'll take care of this one." She said, then pulled out her own notepad and pen and winked at Dan. The waiter sighed and walked away. Phil spoke first, "Could we get a bottle of port, please?" Dan smirked, and winked back at the waitress. She blushed and hurried away to the kitchen. "So... Any plans for tonight?" Phil asked one of the men. Dan burst out laughing. He said, "I suppose you're going out with a bang?" Phil sprayed his drink over one of the men.
"The BBC is always booming with activity though." Phil said. Dan snorted.
"Oh! Sorry!" Dan said to the fury-written men, "We didn't mean to trigger your anger!"
"Where is Stacy?" Said one of the men.
"Hospital." Phil answered, "Then probably jail if the doctors are smart."
"We have Gabriel." The other man said.
"You mean your doctor? He's in hospital care too." Dan said, swirling a mans drink. The waitress came back with the bottle of port. "Call me if you need anything else." She said to the table.

Phil then quickly grabbed the port and smashed it over the head of a man, knocking him out. The other man moved at the same time, drawing his gun just as Dan did. The waitress screamed and the restaurant went into a panic. Phil then whipped up the table cloth and threw the cutlery and glasses onto the other man, giving Dan a chance to escape the line of fire. The GETA man shot, but the bullet hit the ceiling instead. "Call the ambulance!" Phil yelled to anyone that would listen. Police and ambulance sirens could be heard for the next few minutes in the distance. Dan ducked under a table and then pushed it over so it could be used as cover. Phil ran like crazy into the kitchen and told everyone to evacuate through the back door. They did so, and Phil took the opportunity to eat something.

Dan was under fire by this man. He began to reload and that is when Dan peeked out from behind the table and aimed. He fired once and hit himself in the face with the recoil. The bullet hit a wall. He needed to concentrate. Phil ran out of the kitchen and started throwing lettuce at the GETA man. He turned around and began firing at Phil. Phil ducked behind his own form of cover, skidding across a fragment-covered floor. Dan took this opportunity to shoot the man in the back, arm, and thigh. The man yelled in pain. "Dan!" Phil yelled from the opposite side of the building.
"Don't worry, he's wearing a bullet proof vest." Dan called back. Why wouldn't he be wearing a bullet proof vest? The police and ambulance pulled up out the front. This is when Dan and Phil used their masks. "There's no time to question him!" Dan said, referring to the man he shot.

Phil nodded once, and the two sprinted away out of the back door, ripping the security tape along the way.

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