Chapter 11: Brutality at the Bar

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"Well done, guys!" Rachel said enthusiastically as they drove off safely in a car she 'borrowed'.
"I'm so sore..." Dan said as he massaged his calves.
"Same here." Phil added.
"Keep your masks on, though." Rachel spoke, just in case they would take them off. She drove along the congested roads of Manchester. "Rachel," Phil began, "How did we get to Manchester hospital if we were in London yesterday?"
"I have my ways." She replied. "Who's hungry? We haven't eaten in a day or two."
"Are you kidding me? My throat is drier than the Sahara Desert and I feel like I could eat all of the wildlife in it." Dan spoke. Rachel laughed at his comment.
"Then why didn't you say anything?" She asked.
"I was afraid you would bash the crap out of me." She switched lanes and decided to head out to a bar.
"Seriously though guys, I would like to congratulate you on how you acted today. You both picked it up pretty quickly." She said. "My friends became my small group which I worked with. They lasted about a week because they couldn't keep up, or they had different ideas."
"What happened to them?" Dan asked while massaging his sore arm.
"They were shot." Rachel answered.
"I'm so sorry..." Phil said.
"No! Don't be! I shot them." Rachel smiled. Dan and Phil's eyes widened, and they both tensed up a little. Recognizing this, Rachel continued to clarify, "I didn't kill them. They wanted to kill me and take control of the operation but they had no idea what they were doing."
"What operation?" Dan asked.
"The one I have been working on for the past year or so. I'm trying to stop the GETA."
"Who are the GETA?"
"Do you know the mafia? Well, they're like that, but terrorists as well." Rachel explained. Dan gulped in nervousness.
"I'll explain more when we get to a bar." Rachel said.

After a short while, the three pulled up in front of a bar and entered. They took the surgeons' masks off and slid them into their pockets, ready to pull them out just in case. The bar wasn't rough like they assumed it would be. There were a few tattooed, leather wearing men standing around however. "I'm going to go to the toilet. Order something to eat. I'll pay." Rachel said as she disappeared.

Suddenly, Dan felt on edge. Phil felt as if he was vulnerable. They didn't have a vigilante by their side, and now they felt they had to defend themselves. Every clink of beer glasses irritated Dan. The bartender missing spots on the polished wooden counter annoyed Phil. They sat down on wooden stools by the bar and studied the menu. The fan coming from the ceiling was making a creaking sound with every turn. Phil began to sweat, and Dan tried to hide the bullet hole in his jacket. "How can I help you?" The car tender spoke.
"Oh, we'll order in a short while." Dan replied with a forced smile. The bartender nodded and turned around to dust the shelves behind him. A group of men cheered and clinked glasses on a table nearby. Dan's heart began to beat a little faster. Phil became light headed. Were they being watched? What if the police come in? What if the GETA find them and Rachel hasn't returned? Dan began rocking on his seat. She shouldn't be long now. It has only been a minute. A man walked past Dan and Phil and slightly brushed them with his sleeve accidentally.

"What the hell is your problem, man?" Dan yelled as he stood up and spun around. Phil stood up at the same time and death stared the man. "Woah, someone's pissed off. Drink your milk you southerners." The man replied with a disgusted look.
"I'm a northerner you arse!" Phil said and pushed the man away. Adrenaline started to fill Dan and Phil's veins. They haven't felt like this before. Rage had spread across their faces and shone through their darkened eyes. "Get over here, men! We have ourselves a bar brawl." The man called back to his friends. Phil quickly turned around to the scared bartender and ordered water for three. "Five against two?" Dan spat as his brown eyes scanned the group.

Phil turned back around and brought a fist with him, punching one man square in between the eyes. The four other men began attacking, and so the bartender hollered, "Bar fight!" before running off to turn the music up. Dan reacted like Rachel would if she was here. He pushed himself up onto the counter and kicked down one of the men. His throat was pinned down by another guy, and Phil pried the man off by kicking him away. Two men pushed Phil to the floor and began punching his head and face. Dan was hit in the jaw himself by a taller man whom raised his fists like he knew what he was doing. Dan swung his fists at him before he was hit again, this time being pushed into a table. Dan picked up a glass and threw it onto one of Phil's attackers, hoping that will give Phil an opportunity. Dan was kneed in the gut and then pushed to the ground.  The man who was hit in the head with the glass was now unconscious, and so Phil took this opportunity to push him onto the other attacker. Phil kept his eyes closed in case glass could blind him. His face was cut up pretty badly with the punches and glass that inflicted these injuries onto him. He quickly got up, only for his vision to blur. Rachel had reappeared to loud music, the tougher men leaving awkwardly, men standing on the far sides of the bar watching the fight, Dan and Phil beating up and getting beaten up by equally pasty white men. Rachel sighed and placed a hand against her face.

She quickly ran up to Dan's attacker and kicked him away with one powerful swing. The men who watched all 'ooed' in respect. Dan and Phil picked up the conscious man on the ground half covered in glass, and pushed him into the bar while punching his gut and face in. "That's enough." Rachel said when she saw the man start to bleed. Dan and Phil dropped the man and stood up properly. Rachel called to the bartender to make what ever Dan and Phil ordered for it to be take away instead.

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