Chapter 13: Small but Significant

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Phil awoke in the park with Rachel beside him. She was looking over the two sets of documents she had acquired recently. Phil turned his head to see Dan. He wasn't there. "Where's Dan?" He asked groggily.
"Pissing, probably." Rachel answered. "We all need showers, I reckon. I can smell you from here, Phil." Phil turned over and sat up on the soft grass.
"How long has Dan been?" He asked. Rachel paused. She quickly began to pack up.
"That's a really good question." She said before standing up. She helped Phil up and they began jogging. "No. No. No, I can't jog. My legs hurt." Phil spoke through his teeth. "Rachel, we're YouTubers who sit down and watch anime all day. Our main form of exercise is walking up and down the stairs in our apartment. Rachel!" He breathed. Rachel saw Dan struggling on the ground with a group of men around him. She ducked behind a bush and so did Phil.

"Put on your mask." She said. Phil put on his surgeon mask which he had drawn a lion's mouth on with a sharpie. "Really?" She asked rhetorically. The blonde woman from the British GETA appeared in the group. Rachel gasped. "It's the GETA. Dan is being kidnapped by the GETA." Phil began to hyperventilate. Rachel calmed him back down. "We'll get him back. Don't worry." She said.
"Let's go get him now!" Phil whispered.
"We will be killed." Rachel responded. They watched helplessly as Dan's mouth was duct tapped shut, his hands where tied, and his head covered by a sack. "Come on, Rachel! You must have something!" Phil shook Rachel by her arm. She couldn't do anything. There was no cover large enough for a several-man bullet spray at two people, not to mention it was probably a trap for her to leap out into the open. "I have an idea." Phil said. Rachel's eyes widened as she looked at him (almost in horror).

Dragging Dan back to the shiny black car was quite a task as he was flailing around so much. Eventually, the GETA drove away. A motorbike Phil wanted to... 'borrow' was taken, and Rachel drove. They followed the black car by motorbike with one of Phil's hands wrapped around Rachel, the other on her gun. The GETA car sped up a little bit. "I have a better idea." Rachel spoke. "On my belt there is a pocket. There should be a bomb, some trackers, and some other stuff in there. Pass me a tracker." Phil grunted a reply before digging around the pouch and pulling out a small device. He handed it to Rachel. She sped the motorbike up, their hair whipping around in the wind, and she threw a tracking device onto the car. She threw another one on top of the large car, where she knew the GETA wouldn't look. She turned a corner, out of sight.

"I think she just put a tracker on our bumper, Stacy." A man told the blonde woman. She pulled over and two men exited the car. Dan tried to struggle free of his bonds, but they were too strong. He was in the back of the car confused, tears running down his face (if they weren't already soaked up by the sack over his head), and terrified. The men took the tracker off and smashed it on the footpath. Dan groaned to himself about his situation. After hearing the smashing of the tracker outside, all hope seemed to dim and his gut felt hollow. The men re-entered the vehicle, and they drove off downtown.

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