Chapter 22: BBC with Bite

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Dan and Phil bowled into the BBC as if they owned the place. No one was present. One staff member walked past them without batting an eye. "Excuse me," Dan said, and the lady turned around, "did you notice any men carrying guns around anywhere?" The woman frowned in confusion, then looked Dan up and down before glancing at Phil's butt and legs over Dan's shoulder facing her. She turned around and walked away. Dan cursed under his breath and concluded the GETA must have been sneaking around. This was a dumb plan indeed. "We need to rethink our strategy." Phil said. Dan shook his head and chuckled. "I think we'll improvise it from here on." Dan said.
"Where do you get this strength?" Phil asked as Dan carried him through the building.
"I am under a lot of emotional pressure right now and my brain doesn't know where my limits are." Dan replied.

"What would Rachel do?" Phil said to himself while Dan checked each room of the building, not caring if people were disturbed or not. "Dan," Phil said, "if you were to put a bomb anywhere, where would you put it?"
"I would put it... Wait." Dan said, "It's not here, is it?" Phil paused. They both took a minute to think.
"There's that building near by. The tall one!" Phil exclaimed.
"The offices! Phil, you're a genius!" Dan said and he ran.
"They would want the building to fall on top of the BBC, taking it out like a 2 in 1 deal." Phil explained, "They tried to distract us by leading us to the BBC building itself."

Dan sprinted to the building and burst into it. Phil directed Dan to where he thought the bomb would be. People dodged out the way as Dan ran and bounded. "Excuse me!" He would call to slow walkers who didn't know he was coming. His vision blurred. Where would he set up a bomb? The top of the building of course! Phil's leg began to be consumed in pain, and he let out a groan. "Phil," Dan said, then placed Phil down on the ground, "I'm going to leave you here. It's going to be too hard for both of us."
"You're splitting up 'Dan and Phil'?" Phil spoke. He understood what Dan said though. Dan cleared his throat, then carried on his way to the top of the building.

Phil was on the third floor and in a corridor with windows facing the BBC building. His leg throbbed with painful stinging. He noticed the police arresting and dragging the GETA members to the police cars. One man however, knocked a police officer aside and broke his handcuffs. He sprinted towards the office-building. "Oh no..." Phil whispered to himself. He began crawling and pushing himself along the ground to travel. Thank goodness no one was looking at how awkward this looked.

Dan leaped and bounded up the stairs like a cheetah after its prey. He got to the top floor and threw open the doors and scanned the office. "Excuse me," an older woman spoke, "do you have an appointment with Mr-"
"No, I don't." Dan cut her off, "Who has been in here?"
"Well, this is the office of the man who owns this building of course."
"No- Who has been in here today?"
"Oh, you're an impatient young man, aren't you?" She scoffed. Dan exhaled in frustration.
"There was a meeting the boss had with a few other men earlier." She said.
"Where is your boss now?" Dan asked.
"I don't know. I haven't seen him after he had that meeting."
"Ma'am, I'll need you to exit the building." Dan said as he jumped up onto the office desk in the center of the room. The lady's eyes widened, but she listened to him and slowly exited the office. Dan punched a hole in the ceiling.

Phil had crawled up stairs two flights. He knew he couldn't reach Dan in time. The GETA man used the elevator. Phil would, but he couldn't fight the man while his leg was injured like this. Instead, he smashed a window with his bare fist, not caring about the glass cutting him. He used the grappling hook for the first time, and stuck it to the other building. He pulled himself up onto the window sill and waited.

Dan had made a large hole in the ceiling and climbed up into it. Not to his surprise, the bomb was there, and it was ticking. He turned it around to face him. It was a time-bomb. It would explode in three minutes. "Fuck!" He yelled. He grabbed it, and slipped back out of the roof. His black spandex suit protected him from the scratches we would have gotten. "Stop." The GETA man said suddenly. He had appeared at the doorway to the glass walled office, aiming his gun at Dan. Dan shrugged sarcastically. He said, "What? You're going to shoot me for it?" He sprinted away just as the man began to fire. The police were coming up behind the man. Out of his shirt, he pulled out a granade, and pulled the pin. He threw it at Dan. The YouTuber went into a fit of adrenaline, and ran towards the window. He curled up into a ball and jumped.

Phil watched his friend fall with the bomb in his hands, followed by the explosion of the granade. Dan's half-arsed screaming was heard as he tried to direct his falling. Phil reeled in the grappling hook, sending him flying and catching Dan in midair. Dan stopped screaming and held onto Phil tightly until they got to the other building.

They both hit the brick wall, knocking Dan out. "Dan!" Phil cried as they fell a few meters. The bomb was dropped and showed the time of a minute to go. Dan lay unconscious and covered with dust and rubble. Phil had to ignore his friend right now and get to the bomb to disarm it. Citizens fled at the sight, and the black-haired man crawled with effort to the bomb. He turned it over once he got to it. Thirty seconds remained. Phil began to panic. He broke open the metal case and was confronted with a bunch of wires he didn't understand why they even existed. "Dan!" He called back to his friend. Phil then took out his knife from his utility belt. The police in the car with the GETA men drove away as fast as they could. The other car remained with only a single keen watching GETA thug inside.

Phil found the red wire, but he didn't trust it. Instead he looked for the wires attached to the clock. He held his breath, and sliced them all at the same time. The clock stopped at twelve seconds. Phil then proceeded to count to twelve while cutting up the rest of the wires from the bomb. "Phil..." Dan breathed. Five seconds remained in Phil's head. "Dan?" He said, then turned around to his barely-conscious best friend. Dan attempted a smile. "You did well." He said.


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