Chapter 20: Don't mess with Dan

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The boys threw their suits into a dumpster, so only the comfortable spandex suits were worn. They stretched and breathed the cold night air. It was around midnight and Dan and Phil were well rested from the truck ride. "Come on. Fix your mask. We have to go." Dan spoke softly.
"Let's just wait a minute. Let's just sit down and be without violence and guns for a moment. We have time." Phil spoke. Dan sat down against a cement wall building beside the dumpster, out of view from the rest of the public. Phil joined him. They took a moment to stretch out their muscles and drink the last of their water. Dan rested his head on top of Phil's, and closed his eyes. "My subscribers are going to be flipping tables because I haven't uploaded a video." Phil spoke. Dan chuckled and reloaded his gun, then sheathed it back into his utility belt. They stayed silent for a moment, enjoying each other's company. They would do anything to protect each other.

"That's cute. Hey lads, we have a couple of gays hugging by the rubbish." A husky voice spoke from the darkness to the rest of his group. Dan and Phil stood up almost immediately with Dan saying, "We're not gay, you condescending twats. What's wrong with being gay anyway?"
"I really don't care. I just want you to empty your wallets." The thin man said as he stepped out of the shadows. His group followed. Dan took a step forward and turned to them.
"Do you wanna go?" He said menacingly. Phil was sick of running into trouble.
"Dan... We are being mugged." He said worriedly. Then they both paused and slowly began to crack up laughing. The strange tattoo-covered men looked at each other in confusion, and then attacked.

Dan whipped his leg around and kicked away one of the men who flew meters away from the force, just as Rachel did in the bar fight. Phil blocked any hostile punches a man threw at him, and Dan Sparta-kicked the attacker. Phil tripped Dan over in order for his friend to dodge a wooden plank being swung, and then punched the plank-bearer solidly in the nose, causing him to be knocked unconscious. This is when a man grabbed Phil from behind, holding a knife to his neck. Dan, without thinking, swung his legs around in a circle, tripping over both Phil and the knife-holder. Phil knocked the knife aside and rolled away. An attacker went to stomp Dan's head into the ground. Dan reacted quickly and dodged out the way, coming into a crouch position under the attacker, standing up and lifting the man up at the same time, and then threw him into the wall. Phil cursed under his breath at Dan's action, but admired it. The knife wielder got his knife back into his hand, and he attempted to stab Dan in the stomach. The knife broke from the vest, and Dan gave a cheeky grin to the man. He headbutted him and knocked the attacker out against the wall. Dan fell over from the dizziness that enfolded his consciousness. Phil rushed over to block an attack from the last thug, who knocked Phil over onto Dan. The two men rolled opposite ways and kicked the thug over at the same time. He landed heavily on the ground, not wanting to get back up.

"Let's go." Phil panted. Dan slowly stood up and helped Phil up too. Dan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and they walked away from the scene. They were going back to their apartment. 

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