Chapter 12: Sundown and Stars

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After collecting three water bottles from the bar, Rachel learnt about the YouTubers' dietary requirements. They got some food from Go Falafel and drove the car into a car yard to be destroyed before heading back out to the suburbia. "How are you feeling?" Dan asked Phil he finished cleaning up his best friends' cuts. Phil replied, "I feel like I have been hit by a UFO during a hangover." Dan chuckled and then helped himself tend to his own small cut on his face. Both men were quite bruised and very tired. In a secluded park area, the three lay down and stared up into the sky. It is now dark and the trio were almost invisible.

"I am still very surprised you guys pretty much won a fight; especially without shoes on." Rachel commented. Dan grunted. Neither of the boys knew where they were, but they didn't question about it. They were by each other's side and protected by Rachel, and that's all that mattered at the moment. One question had been bothering Phil ever since the car chase. "What are the GETA doing, Rachel?" He asked. Rachel took a big sigh and scanned the stars above.
"Should I tell you everything? Even what I'm doing?" Rachel asked.
"Yes." Dan spoke softly. Rachel cleared her throat then began.

"The GETA, or Great Earth Terrorist Association, is organised into small groups spread throughout a number of countries in the world. The groups I am concerned about at the moment are the Americans, the Italians, the British, the Russians, and the Germans. I started my own operation after... after something happened to my family. I won't go into details." She took another breath so she could keep composed. "I gathered my friends. I told them what I wanted to do. I wanted to stop the existence of GETA all together. They thought it was crazy, but they agreed to it. Oh- I was a gymnast and so were most of my friends. It took years for us to get into shape like I am now, and I thought this was the opportunity to use it. The GETA want to see chaos in this world. They want to get rich and rule the world when everyone has suffered enough. They have one grand leader, but even I don't know who or where this person could be.

I traveled to Japan with my clan. We ran into the Japanese mafia. That's where we got more information about the GETA and their location, along with one of my friends getting shot in the head. We all escaped to Italy, and that's where things fell apart. I was leading the group at the time. Johnson wanted to take over. He felt jealous of the fact I knew what I was doing. I had learnt and researched all about things like this and that's why I knew so much, you know. Anyway, he attempted to shoot me and so I shot him in the leg to escape. Johnson's girlfriend then tried to shoot me, and succeeded. I was hit in the stomach. She went to shoot me again, but Sarah shot her in the shoulder. A firefight began on the one of the streets of Italy. I managed to slink away with the group's information and stitch up what would be my first bullet wound. My group was a disaster. The police arrested everyone and they were looked after. I got away and went to the location I believed was the Italian GETA.

I sneaked in to this ghetto and listened. It was silent. I explored pipe and building and it had been hours before I finally found them. I listened. By the way, yes, I know Italian. So this GETA group were finalizing the deals among each other and what they wanted to do with the other GETA groups. They were planning to blow up the White House in America and crash the stock market. A second Great Depression will occur and the rest of the world will suffer even more than last time. How could it be worse, you ask? Well, they wanted to blow up the BBC in Britain as a distraction, then blame it on European terrorists from Germany. The BBC is one of the most popular-"
"I know. Phil and I work at the BBC." Dan interrupted. Rachel swore under her breath. She then continued:

"BBC News wouldn't be around to report on current events, so they thought the British would have to go to other news stations. However, they were planning on a power surge after that. The GETA group in Germany would falsely accuse the Russian government for bombing Britain, damaging their alliance. Oh, some information was given to me quite recently which filled in some gaps. Anyway, with Russia looking hostile, Britain, America, Wales, Australia, and Germany would link together to declare war on Russia. Japan would join in... Or maybe I'm being confused? Italy was meant to hop in somewhere and then the American group would destroy the American government, sending the world into crap. China was included at some point... See, this is where I needed to find out the members of the British GETA. I have no more information other than that."

Rachel sighed. Dan and Phil stared up into the stars as if it would be the last time to see them. It was freezing and luckily enough it wasn't raining. Phil was the first to speak. "And we are going to stop it?"
"We have to." Rachel said.

"We have to." Dan repeated.

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