Chapter 2: Silence and Security

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"Can you please get murdered on another street!" Dan yelled at the sirens in the distance. He fixed his dark brown hair before beginning to talk to the camera once again. Then the loud boom came. His eyes widened and he turned off the camera. "Phil?" He called. Phil carefully opened Dan's bedroom door.
"Did you hear that too?" Phil asked nervously.
"Yeah... Was... Was that a bomb?" Dan stuttered. The two men locked their doors and closed their laptops, cameras, and any other electrical device they had open. More sirens could be heard.

Dan and Phil sat against their kitchen bench. "Check Twitter." Dan spoke. Phil turned his phone back on and searched through the latest tweets. There wan't anything relevant until a few minutes later; a Londoner tweeted about a bomb. "Shit..." Dan hissed over Phil's shoulder.
"Was this a terrorist attack do you think? Should we leave?" Phil asked.
"Is it safe?" Dan questioned back with glazed eyes. Phil clenched his jaw before he got up and looked out the window. "Turn off the lights." He said.

Dan switched them off, and now they could see the streets below in havoc. People were driving away as quickly as possible with the police and fire brigade heading the opposite way. Dan said, "Should we-"
"No." Phil cut him off, "It's too dangerous to be out on the street. Imagine the gunmen out there." Dan grunted then walked back to turn on the lights, but then stopped. Other people began turning their lights off too. "Hide under the table." He spoke. The two scooted off and slid under the table with Phil stubbing his toe along the way. Once he recovered, he checked Twitter again. A lot more tweets had been made now. Dan's stomach dropped, realizing the weight of the situation.

They were silent. They were waiting. However, they didn't know what they were waiting for. Their nerves began to calm. That is when they heard a thud from upstairs. Their eyes widened. They could hear nothing but panic in the streets now. "Should we go look?" Dan whispered. Phil's eyes grew even wider and he shook his head violently.
"We're going to die! We're going to die! We are going to die this time, Dan! This isn't like that drunk man incident! Someone who can actually kill us is actually in our home-" He whispered in panic. Dan gripped his shoulders so he would calm down.
"We're not going to-"

Someone entered the room. The swift and silent boots trekked to the fireplace. Dan's heart was in his throat and Phil held his breath. "You can come out from under the table." A feminine voice spoke as she looked up into the fireplace. She turned back to the two men attempting to hide under the table. She crouched and stared at them. "You can stand up now." She spoke again.
"Are you the police?" Dan asked suddenly as he and his best friend crawled out from under the table. There was a silence. Phil gulped as he tried to make out the black figure standing a meter or two away from him.

"No." Rachel replied.

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