Chapter 14: Kind but Kindred

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The GETA car arrived in a deserted smoky alleyway. Two large men got out of the car, popped the boot, and carried Dan out. The rest of the group went into the sketchy building first, followed by the stuggling-for-freedom Dan Howell.

The room Dan was brought to was dark. He was sat up onto a chair and a dim lighting was provided by a lamp near by. No one was in this room except for an aging man whom sat opposite of Dan. Dan had stopped panicking and crying in fear. Instead, it channelled into anger. His face was clear and his eyes were sharp. The sack was taken off of his head and dropped to the ground. The aging man ripped off the duct tape without hesitation, leaving Dan a stinging sensation on his cheeks and lips. "Listen here, lad." The man began, "I will give you a deal." Dan straightened his position in the chair and faced the man square on.

"Rachel... She is a very dangerous woman." He said. Dan kept silent. The man continued, "She has been a danger to me and my workmates for a while now. So I'm going to ask you a few questions." Dan smirked cunningly. The man asked, "How do you know Rachel?"
"I met her a few days ago by accident." Dan answered truthfully.
"Who are you?"
"Daniel. I'm no one."
"Do you know anyone who knows Rachel too?"
"No." Dan lied.
"Will she come for you?" The man asked. Dan paused, then narrowed his eyes.
"Am I bait?" He asked offensively. The man chuckled, and then stood up. Howell thought he was going to leave, but he turned around and slapped Dan across the face instead. Dan felt tears prick at his eyes and pain smear across his left cheek. That is when the man came down to eye level. "You will not come out here alive if you answer questions with questions, Daniel. If that is your real name." He said.

Phil and Rachel parked the motorbike behind the GETA car and wiped it clean. Phil straightened his surgeon mask and looked over to the slim Rachel for a plan. "Was it really this easy to find the British GETA?" Rachel asked Phil. Phil took a moment. He felt something wasn't right. Rachel noticed he was thinking this and nodded. "That's right. They wanted us to follow them. They broke the tracker to make Dan feel isolated. All other times, they would have thrown it onto another car."
Phil nodded in agreement. "Let's go get Dan?" He asked.
"No." Rachel said, "You go get Dan. I have some stuff to collect along the way." She handed Phil back his and Dan's phone. "Try to get some shoes while you're in there."

Dan was bleeding from his cut lip again. The bruise on his forehead from the bar hurt more than anything. "What is Rachel planning!" The man, Bernard, yelled at Dan for the third time.
"I don't know!" Dan yelled back once again. Bernard pushed Dan's chair over so he was lying on his side on the cold floor. Dan grunted in pain. That was when Stacy entered the room. "Bernard!" She called, "There is a guy here!"
"A guy? Very descriptive." He grumbled.
"Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin." Stacy said. Dan's eyes widened but he didn't dare say anything. Bernard left the room with the blonde and locked the door behind. Dan rested before he began to struggle free again.

Phil had created a plan on his own. He entered the building and stepped down the hand-made stairs of rotting wood. A blonde woman and two men saw him coming, and so they turned off the power in the area and ran away down the hallway to the right. This was not to Phil's plan. His breaths deepened as his heart raced faster, but he had to keep his cool. He had to rescue Dan. Rachel was elsewhere and completely trusted him to do his own thinking. He snuck into an office like thing after his eyes had adjusted and looked around. He turned on his phone and used it as a torch. This wasn't an office. He had no idea what it was, but he saw equipment that he might need.

Stacy and Bernard gathered the group for a quick discussion after concluding the man with the strange haircut that entered their base was no threat. "Could he be Rachel's alliance?" Someone asked.
Phil slipped off his clothing.
"We should question Daniel about him." Bernard stated.
Phil strapped on a bullet proof vest.
"Question Daniel? The leather-jacket guy? He wouldn't tell the truth." Stacy said.
Phil had found a navy-blue spandex suit similar to Rachel's black one and put it on.
"You told me that Daniel said Rachel knew no one else he knew. He lied." She said.
He slipped on some dark sneaking boots.
"Rachel is nearby. We're being raided." A man panicked and stood up.
Phil dug around the 'office' shelves for a utility belt.
"Get Daniel out of here. Get the documents." Stacy instructed.

Phil lit his shirt and jeans on fire in the heap that it was in. He grabbed a black suit and the same items he collected for himself for Dan. He didn't know how to load a gun, but after seeing Rachel do it a couple of times, he mimicked the action on a small pistol successfully. The flames in the area grew. Phil picked out a larger handgun and felt it's weight. He was pleased with it and took two with plenty of ammunition for each. The flames began to pulsate heat against him. The fire was not a good idea. He took a deep breath, slid his phone into his belt-pouch, and ran.

Dan bashed down the door that kept him captive, and Phil almost was knocked over by it. "Get changed." Phil said and chucked the equipment at Dan.

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