Chapter 9: Thanks for Thinking

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Doctor Phil was guiding patient Dan out onto the cold tiles down the hallway. Rachel lead the way explaining what they had to do in a low voice. They both understood and slowly became the characters they needed to be. Phil's expression was stern as he held a clip board in his hand and walked boldly next to Dan. Dan yawned and tried to get into a flirty mind-set, but he was extremely nervous. After a while of walking around the hospital, they finally were approaching the front desk.

"I can't do this. I'm going to be a stuttering mess." Dan mumbled to Phil.
"What?" Phil whispered.
Dan repeated what he said, then added, "See? I'll start to talk and they won't understand a word."
"You can do it." Phil reassured. Dan breathed in, then exhaled the nerves.
"Time to shine." Rachel said. She and Phil walked off around the corner away from the appointment desk. Dan did what he was told, and counted to twenty. He took a breath in, then hobbled over to the front desk. He flashed the gorgeous smile he was told to do, and greeted the ladies. They smiled back. As he began talking with them, Rachel and Phil were around the back of the office area, discussing their next move.

"Be the distraction from behind. They won't question you." Rachel finished explaining. This barely made sense to Phil, but he went along with it. They needed two sets of keys. One set of keys is to unlock the drawer with employee records. The other set of keys was to open the security room. These keys could be found in the drawer next to one of the office staff. Dan was not allowed to look anywhere but the two office ladies as it could give away Rachel's position.

Phil entered the office first, looking at some pieces of paper he pretended were important on his clip board. He sniffed. The ladies didn't turn around. They were giggling with Dan about something. A pin of jealousy hit Phil, but he had to ignore it. He had to admit, Dan was putting on a good show. Phil was trying not to laugh. Rachel entered the office quietly and wore her silent-stepping boots. Phil almost didn't realize she was there until he looked up. The young women at the desk began flirting back with Dan, not realizing how unprofessional they look. Just as he was told, Dan stared into their eyes evenly as long as he could. Rachel was behind one of the women now, and crouching to the left where the draws under the desk were. She ever so slowly began to open the drawer. Dan noticed how dangerous and noticeable that action was, so he stepped to his left; the direction away from Rachel. He began leaning over the desk to be closer to the ladies so they were more focused on him than anything else. Rachel took this opportunity to take individual keys out one at a time. She got the correct keys and closed the drawer. This is when the lady next to her turned around to Phil.

Rachel was directly behind her back, and was frozen. She knew this would happen. "Doctor," the lady spoke, "could you escort this patient back to his room?" She smirked. The second lady held solid eye contact with Dan. He moved her gaze even more to the left so she couldn't see Rachel slink over the desk and walk away. Phil smiled and nodded once and finished 'reading' his papers before walking back out to collect Dan. "Come on, mate. Back we go." Phil spoke as he guided Dan away. Dan waved a goodbye and winked. The young ladies giggled. Once they were out of sight around the corner, they were reunited with Rachel.

"That was intense." Dan breathed. He began to shake with nerves. "I didn't even stutter!"
"I'm pretty impressed." Rachel nodded as she tossed the keys around in her hand.
"How did you know that was going to happen?" Phil asked. Previously, Rachel had explained that flirtation was the perfect way to lead someone's eyes away from anything by using your own. Rachel had to take the keys using her own skills. The reason why Phil was placed in the office is because Rachel knew the office ladies would turn around to him. If he wasn't there, they would have attempted to bring Dan back to his room themselves in which they would discover Rachel. Why would they want to escort Dan back to his room? Well, patients like Dan shouldn't be roaming about like he was and chatting them up. Phil would cleanly collect Dan, giving the ladies a distraction behind them so Rachel could climb over the desk and escape with the keys. In this case, Dan had to continue to stare down one of the women, taking her gaze away from Rachel.

The plan had worked.

"It's just basic psychology." Rachel shrugged. "By the way Dan, the thing you did with taking the other woman's eyes away from my area... Thanks for that."

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