Chapter 6: Night is Nothing

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Dan stepped on the peddle as hard as the car would allow him. There were police barricades up ahead, and before he could slow down, Rachel instructed: "Pummel on through. People will get out the way. Trust me." Dan did question this. Phil finally threw up outside the window.
"Oh, beautiful." Rachel stammered sarcastically.
"There are police cars in the way! I have to stop!" Dan said in a panic. Then he realized, why didn't he stop before? He's on the same side as the police! He jammed the breaks but then felt a cool metal press against his head. "Aim for the gap in between those two police cars. The force of this car will break us an exit. Do not hit any civilians on the way out." Rachel said lowly. Dan knew all to well that her gun was making an appearance against his head once again. He wanted to talk back to her- to say that it wouldn't be his fault if he hit anyone- but it was useless. He sped up the car and Rachel slid away her gun. The three braced for impact and the car threw itself into chaos by smashing though the barricades and police cars, spinning out of control. Police began firing, and Dan was shot in the arm. He cried out, but it didn't feel painful. He couldn't lift his arm. He attempted steering with his other arm, but that was when Rachel jumped into the other front seat and regained control of the car. She pushed Dan into the back with her legs and sped the car through onto a highway. The helicopters were still a problem and the car was pretty banged up. Police sirens from cars became closer and closer. 

"We must get a new ride." Rachel called. Phil tended to Dan, even though nothing could be done in their situation. The blue-eyed male began to panic. "Phil, I'll take care of Dan if you drive." Rachel said.
"I can't drive." Phil spoke hoarsely.
"What? Are you serious? Oh, for crying out loud!" Rachel said as she weaved in between cars on the busy highway. She beeped the car's horn to get people out the way. "Follow my instructions!" She yelled back to the boys; their hair blowing wildly in the wind from the broken windows. "Phil, use this to get the bullet out." She said and unlatched a strange looking scoop from her belt and passed it back.

"How is this meant to be used? Why isn't-" Phil's questioning was cut off by a police bullet being fired at the car. "The police are firing at us! We're going to jail! Dan, we're going to jail and I'm sorry!" Phil bellowed. Dan groaned and the pain started to kick in. His vision began to blur. "Dan!" Phil called. Dan ignored everyone and began crawling into the driver's seat. Rachel moved over and Dan began to drive once again. The dark haired woman operated on Dan's wound. Blood had poured all over the car seats. Rachel panicked. This is a source of evidence for the police. She didn't want civilians to be arrested. The bullet was out but the blood continued to drip. Phil kept an eye out for the police while Dan weaved in between cars just like Rachel had done. Rachel's mild blue-green eyes peered over the wound. She quickly bandaged it up without a second thought. "You'll need stitches." She spoke. Dan ignored her. His eyes were glazed over with adrenaline.

"Where is everyone, Phil?" Rachel asked.
"Three police cars behind us. They attempted to shoot-" Phil spoke and another bullet was fired. He recollected himself for a few seconds. "Uh- and there is one helicopter flying above us to our left." Rachel cleared her throat in acknowledgement and thought up a plan in only a few seconds.
"How strong are you?" She asked Phil. Phil looked at her strangely.
"I don't know." He spoke.
"Can you carry Dan?" She asked.
"I can try." He replied.
"We are going to get on that helicopter." Rachel smirked.
"What?" Phil snapped. Dan finally came to his senses.
"Are you kidding me? Lady, we aren't getting on that helicopter!" Dan spoke harshly.
"Not with that attitude." Rachel said as the car arrived onto the bridge she had been waiting for.

As the helicopter flew now almost at the level of the car, she shot the leg of anyone in the dock of the helicopter. They fell into the water below. She hoped to herself they are safe. The pilot began to steer away, but her grappling hook pierced itself into the shiny metal of the helicopter doors. She reeled the line back in, but this time it brought herself up onto the helicopter. Rachel shot the car with her hook and held tightly onto the helicopter door. The pilot couldn't fly away; there was a car attached. "Drive the car off the bridge and hold onto the rope!" Rachel called.
"What?" Phil yelled. Dan's heart began to pump. He couldn't hear her over the helicopter, but he knew what she wanted them to do. "Grab onto the rope!" Rachel yelled as loudly as possible. Phil being partly deaf could barely understand her. Rachel repeated herself with all the air she had. Phil grabbed onto the rope. Dan shook his head then turned to drive off the bridge. He yelled out into the cold night air as the car began to fall. He grabbed hold of Phil's arm with his good hand, and the two pushed themselves out the car before it became too low in the air. Phil's and Dan's hand held on strongly to each other, while Phil held them both up with the rope. The car smashed into the water at such a force that the engine ignited, causing a small explosion. Rachel reeled the boys up onto the deck and sat them in seats. Dan groaned loudly in pain of his wounded arm while Phil panted for air.

"One moment." Rachel said before leaping out the helicopter.
"Rachel!" Phil called and then looked over the side. A man's scream could be heard as the pilot fell into the water. The helicopter steered almost out of control until it finally re-positioned. It flew into the dark sky of the night.

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