1- I'm coming home

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Quick authors note: I normally don't do these, but I've had a lot of comments regarding Alex's behaviour later in the book.
She is a mated werewolf who ultimately, will choose her mate no matter what. This does *not* mean I condone anything that happens later on (trying not to give you spoilers) and yes, she should deal with them better.
In hindsight, I'd like to write her as more badass than she's currently portrayed.

Anyway, I won't babble further, thank you so much for reading and voting on my story. It's much appreciated!, 🥰🥰

"You want me to what?" I say, my voice rising several octaves in shock. Of all the amazing things I could do for my brother, coming home to help him repay a favour on my list,coming home, period, was not on my list. Sure, it might appease my wolf a little but it's not like she was trapped. The UK,while it lacked a proper summer still had plenty of amazing places we could let loose in.

"Okay, fine. I'll come, straight after I've finished this off, I'll be there." I relent but only because I've seen him once in the past five years and he sounds desperate. After all hes done for me, perhaps now was the time I could pay him back?

That is why, exactly one week later I find myself walking through the airport attempting to both drag my luggage and not jostle my four year old from his slumber, while weaving in and out of the crowd. Cursing my brother for not showing up from somewhere already, I step out onto the streets, the humid air hitting me straight away and that's when I hear it.

"Alex! I'm so sorry we got stuck in traffic."My brother, Callum runs up to me apologising.

"Sure, can we just get out of this heat?" I dodge his hug, despite him being well over six foot, and make my way into his car, knowing that I won't be able to avoid it next time.After he puts my luggage in and Jason is carefully lying in my lap we set off for the pack house. I look around in wonder, this place has changed so much over the years and yet at the same time it looks exactly the same.

I think Callum can tell my flight has gotten to meas he stays silent for the ride, just as I feel my head drooping Callum has parked the car. I shuffle out slowly, see Callum's mate,the Luna of the pack, Mary Jane standing on the porch with a grin wider than the Cheshire Cat's plastered on her face. They were polar opposites in physique while Callum was as tall as a building,Mary Jane was a lot shorter, she had the typical all American girl look – blonde hair and blue eyes. Whereas Callum had raven black hair, the only trait he shared with me.

I can't help but smile back, she just has that effect on everyone.

"Look at how much he's grown! He's so precious!" She coos down at him. "Go get some rest, we'll talk at dinner." She leads me to my old room, where everything is as I've left it. I want to marvel at how weird it is to be here after so long and in such different circumstances but my brain would much rather I go to sleep right now than anything. The only thing that's changed is the addition of a slightly bigger bed.

I don't even have the brainpower to change clothes before I fall beside J. He snuggles into me immediately, ah, the perks of motherhood.

Light streams through the curtains as I reluctantly come to, noticing immediately the space beside me. Wow, these last few weeks have really taken it out of me.I lay in bed for a little longer enjoying the peace of having nothing to do for the day. For once.

After a month of crazy deadlines of equally crazy clients this was nice. I should squeeze in a bath sometime too. And a massage.

I feel more relaxed already.

I roll out of bed knowing that while all these things sounded nice I had a four year old to find. As I step into the kitchen I hear footsteps running toward me. And now my legs are being hugged.

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