23- On the Road to Recovery

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Is this a new enemy? I can't help but think.

But something tells me no, I did not have to fear this wolf. Relief washes over my being, exhausted I lean back into the grass knowing that the enemy would be taken care of.

I hear the shredding of skin and the breaking of bones as my eyes close. A sick kind of lullaby.

And cracking bones of a different kind, the shifting kind.

Timid, small footsteps come towards me.

"Daddy!" A voice cries, instantly muffled.

My baby.

We are being scooped up and carried a swift walking pace but no little feet. Where are they?

"Alex, please stay awake."

I try to listen to him but it doesn't work, my eyelids feel like lead.

"Alex..." he growls desperation leaking from his voice.

"Mom..." my child's whimper calls to me.

He was carrying them.

"Alex, we're nearly here... Please."

My eyes flicker open and closed fighting the battle between wanting to please Theo and the lurking unconsciousness. I groan, my head pounding with the effort.

I hear a shout, a call for something, someone even. Sobbing and voices all around me as I drift away, but my rest was short lived. As Theo was trying to get me to talk to him.

Wearily, I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me, tears flowing he was staring at the cuts on my neck. I smiled, a weak attempt to reassure him.

I don't want them to see me like this.

"Kids," Theo says, " you need to stand aside, the doctor's here."

Did he hear me?

I look up to see Theo staring down at me a small smirk on his face, I'll take that as a yes then. He brushes a few stands of hair of off my face as the doctor is examining my leg.

We stare at each other until my eyes begin to droop again, the doctor saying something that I don't understand but Theo agrees so it's fine. A sharp pain makes me all too aware of what's happening now, the first stitch punctures my skin.

I hope my neck injuries don't also need stitches.

I'm too far gone to take any notice of the pain or of any further ministrations made by the doctor.

The only thing I can feel is being tucked into bed with a whispered reprimand for the boys to be quiet.


I come to slowly, the light in the room muted by the curtains, for which I'm grateful as my brain can't handle too much right now. Slowly, I shift myself so that I'm leaning against the bed, the tiny movement leaving me exhausted.

My leg feels likes a chunks of wood and it is only as I've made myself somewhat comfortable that the pain kicks in. I groan, my head deciding to start banging.

I take a deep breath through the pain looking around the room for something to entertain me, or something to summon someone to me you know so I won't want to pull my hair out two minutes from now.

I notice my phone on the bedside drawer and shuffle towards it, if I were to fall on my face trying to get it I would be mortified. After much manoeuvring I manage to grasp it and quickly unlock to see what I've missed.

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