11- Dinner, with a side of not taking any crap (part 2)

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I am very glad that the scene my brain conjured up for me, the one where everyone is already at the table waiting for me and thus stare at me as soon as I step into the room. And for some reason Connor is there, in his Satan getup chanting ominous things while...

Oh kay brain. That was worse than the original thing you conjured up.

If only I could put you into power saving mode, maybe then you'll only do the stuff I need you to do and save energy from all this pointless crap you're thinking up.

Instead the scene that greeted me was a very different one, Theo was there at the head of the table deep in thought about something with a few other pack members around.Which was an odd sight to see, normally this place was all empty. It made this pack house look more homey and less like it was just me and the boys that lived there and everyone else just popped by for tea.

I tried to make my way to the ladies to help out, but they wouldn't hear of if ushering me out of there and all but seating me in my chair. Which is on Theo's right side but he doesn't even noticed I'm sitting beside him, he's so deep in his thoughts.

I take a moment to study him. He's sat in such a way that it seems like he's hulking over the table his muscles tense. I notice a very slight stubble on his jaw which is the first time I've seen him with any facial hair and it looks.. good. Somewhat promising actually, he looks like he would have a great beard, a full, thick one. And he would totally rock it too, looking all manly and rugged and ...

"Luna?" A soft voice brings me out of my reverie – oh god. Did I really just fall into a beard induced daydream?

"Yes?"I reply as poised as possible, like I wasn't just dreaming of how good Theo would look with a beard.

"Do you need anything?"she asks. I look around noting that everyone is seated and the food has been put onto the table, it looks like a feast. Do the women get a share of it though?

"No thank you," I smile back at her, taking the tray of roast and putting myself a serving. I'm yet to be acknowledged by anyone on the table, which is exactly the way I want it. Stealing glances around the table I notice it is full of men, all ages, all sizes but that's not the most disturbing thing.The most disturbing thing is Connor is sitting directly in front of me and has been watching me eat for at least five minutes now.

I'm trying not to let this get to me, I don't miss the glances he's been taking at Theo and I. Or that stupid ass smirk on his face.

As much as I'd like to think that I'll be able to take him in a fight, I know I won't be able to. He's a good 100 lbs more than me.

"Luna,"Connor calls, managing to make such a respected title into something derogatory, "do you like this pack?" He asks, my gut begins to churn uncomfortably, the contents of my stomach threatening to projectile vomit out.

"What's not to like?" I reply, a tight smile on my face.

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