24- Startling Discoveries (pt 1)

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As the light of the next morning filtered through, I snuggled into the source of my warmth further only to be met with a slight groan of protest. I didn't want to wake up but at the same time, felt insanely well rested.

My eyes open slowly. I stretch, or at least, try to. Being met by obstacles of some sort, I take a cursory look around me, finding myself in an incredibly intimate position with Theo, with Jace directly behind me and Dennis strewn across us somehow?

What an awkward position.

How was my leg coping with this? Well, by the complete lack of pain I'm feeling I'd say it's probably 99% healed. Ah the wonders of werewolf healing.

I lay my head on Theo's solid chest, sighing, sure this moment feels amazing and perfect but I know that there's a lot of crap to sort out between us and in the pack. Me and Theo had a lot of talking things out to do.

Not necessarily something that I wanted to think about right now but I couldn't stay in the land of Theo's magical chest as comfortable as it was.

It seems like I didn't have to anyway, as Theo was awake too.

"Morning," he smiles as he brushes a stray hair off my face, "how are you feeling?"

"Better," I mumble into his chest, "a lot better."

He loosens his hold on me and I get the stretch that I need to let go of the tendrils of sleep that are still hanging onto me.

I meet his gaze, "We have a lot to sort out though a lot to talk about, and I don't want to do it. Not really."

He squeezes me then, pressing a soft kiss on my forehead, "I know."

We stay like that for a while, frozen for I don't even know how long. Enjoying our moment together, it feels so natural, like this should be happening every day. No, the best way to describe it is that it feels so right. My wolf is practically purring in content right now and I bet his is too.

I'm not going to kid myself, our relationship isn't perfect just because he was my knight in shining armor this once. And with that thought, I press a chaste kiss on his forehead and untangle myself from his grasp.

He groans in protest, running a hand through his hair, like he too is having difficulties with getting up today. The kids are still asleep despite the jostling, surprising really as they're normally light sleepers.

After getting ready and deciding to make a big breakfast, I'm halfway though plating up as he arrives downstairs.

"This looks really good," he mumbles in appreciation mid bite.

"What's on the agenda today?" I ask taking a dainty sip of tea.

"I don't know where to start," he groans.

"Tell me? And we can do it together?"

"I'd like that," he flashes me a mega watt smile, "but there are something I need to do myself, somethings I need to tell you too."

"Sure," I smile back at him, instantly feeling guilty that I too need to talk to him, I need to air my own dirty laundry.

But now I need to figure out what to do, sort myself out I guess the first step would be to sort out what my client needs and hopefully, hopefully never hear from him again.

Then maybe find the women and children, or would that be something to sort out and talk through with Theo first? Would he mind if I got them medical aid?

Just as I've opened all my emails, the boys come down they eat quickly and quietly. Instead of going off to play like they normally would on a day like this they sit and watch me as I type away. I try not show any visable disappointment, they're been like this for a few days now.

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