13 - Blood on my hands

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You know those moments in life when things just seem to slow down and something that should have taken less than a minute is now taking over an hour?

This felt like one of those moments. Logically it probably did only take me a few moments to lift Dennis's hand away from Jace's cheek but to me that felt like it had taken far, far longer. My gasp seemed to be coming out in slow motion too. This was crazy. I need to snap out of it. As soon as I saw the red palm print on J's cheeks, I knew what I needed to do.

"Honey," I tried to keep my own tears at bay, "who did this to you?"

He shakes his head, refusing to answer me.

"Please tell me who did this to you," I plead, pulling him in for a hug. I'm met with silence.

"Dennis? Who did this?"

"I..I..." He shrugs.

I pull him into the hug too, knowing that whoever has done this, has got my kids good. I never want to leave them alone again, not even in their own room. I could only speculate at who had done this and my main guess would be Connor of course. Never in a million years did I think that he would bring my kids into this. I was naively thought that he would leave them out of it.

Now I know I was totally wrong, some people don't have limits.

I really need to talk to Theo but I haven't seen him all day, I'll check in his room and office later.

My heart hasn't calmed down to its normal rate so I get comfortable with my kids in my lap and just sit there for a while. I've managed to calm my heartbeat down but my mind is still racing, thinking what do I do now?

I have no proof that Connor did it, even if there are eye witnesses I doubt anyone will step forward to say anything against him. I could tell Theo but without proof, I knew no one would take me seriously.

I sigh, squeezing them closer to me for a moment then plastering a fake smile and getting up.

I need to act normal, I can't let anyone get under my skin.

Theres little else really that Connor can do to me now, attacking my babies is the worst it can get for me. It's a real eye opener, that I am truly not safe here. I can't trust these people.

We spend the rest of the day peacefully, I keep my kids where I can see them at all times. Paranoia eating at me as I spend the day attempting to find Theo and finish some errands.

Thinking back to it now, I haven't seen any of the women either not since yesterday night where I got a free pass to go talk to them.

Perhaps tomorrow.

I hit the sheets exhausted, being paranoid out of your mind and constantly vigilant all day totally takes its toll. Part of me doesn't even want to leave them in their own room, but in trying to keep everything normal I decided to keep them in their own room, at least for now.

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