14 - You know things are bad when you start thinking in Math

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This peaked my interest, who could this note be by? I heed the warning but don't really want to think too hard about it, I'm attempting to be as blasé about this as possible. The last thing I want is for them is to think I'm getting affected by this all.

It's going to be hard and if yesterday night was any indication to go by things will only get more grusome.

Where in God's green Earth is Theo when you need him?

Whoever was warning me, was doing so for a reason which I was thankful for but why now? See, I was grateful but this warning was a little too late ... Unless there was another reason why they were warning me. What had changed?

I peel of my clothes and get into the shower, scalding hot water washing away the grossness of everything I've just cleaned. I'm proud of how I've managed to remained detached from the decaying corpse left laying on my bed. Like it was all fake and not meant to scare the living daylights out of me.

I could do this ....
....I think.

But for how much longer I'm not sure.

My wolf needs an out, she feels way beyond the line of antsy, she wants her mate, she wants to feel the wind in her fur and the earth beneath her paws. We can't do that alone until we've at least had a tour of the lands which our amazing mate hasn't given us yet.

After tidying the breakfast plates away, it is almost physcially hurting me not to shift already. It had been building up for too long so we head outside, nabbing a spare pair of clothes and a few toys for the boys. I need to take this edge off for my wolf before she goes crazy.

This is the first time Dennis has seen my wolf so he may be a little wary, to make things more comfortable I shift behind the tree and slowly creep out. My wolf is happy to be free, if only for a play about in the garden, she's also happy we get to introduce ourselves to our new cub.

She pads forward to Jace first very slowly, to emphasis that she is not a threat and licks him, a full on slobbery kiss which leaves him giggling and squirming away. Next is Dennis's turn, he's lost his wide eyed look a little but she can tell that he is still wary of us. Is this the first time he has encountered a wolf in a non hostile nature?

I hope not, she licks him too, nuzzling him a little for reassurance. His shoulders are no longer tensed, he relaxes against us. Slowly reaching his hand her to stroke our fur, she lowers her head allowing him easy access.

She allows him to stroke to his hearts content and that is how we spend most of the day, me in wolf form and the kids catching a frisbee or just lounging around outside. This is the first time I've shifted in this pack, I would be more nervous normally but there was nobody around so nothing to be cautious off.

We eat omelettes for dinner, to while the boys are animatedly recalling and re-enacting everything my wolf was doing. As much as I wanted too, I couldn't concentrate. The only thing I could focus on was what I'd be saying to Theo about everything that's been going on at dinner tonight.

Even though I hadn't seen anyone around, I presumed they would all come back to eat after all everyone needs food and a bed to sleep on – unless there really was another pack house they were hiding in?

After extra bath time, more for me than them today – procrastination was my forte – tucking them into bed, I take a calming breath, really this nervousness was silly. I had no need to be nervous this was my mate, I was not scared of him in the slightest. Nothing to be afraid of.

How am I going to play this?

I push myself to go in when I hear the clinking of cutlery and  the occasional shout as I walk into the room, I focus on keeping my breathing even my head held high. Ignoring everyone around me, be it those at the table and those scurrying around serving them. I started fumbling with the kettle, waiting for the water to boil.

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