8- In the preparation for war

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I don't know how I did it but I managed to fall asleep for a few hours and by few I mean three and a half. Right now I think I'm in a state of shock I don't really want to think about anything in particular let alone the events of yesterday. I just needed a little breathing room before being able to think about it like a rational adult and plan whatever the hell I'm going to do next.

I'm trying to fight my base instinct of fleeing, the instinct that I've had and relied on since high school –don't like something? Run away, far, far away. But this time,something is different, I'm not sure what exactly, maybe it's my wolf and my newly discovered Luna instincts but I don't want to leave, I want to fight, fight these stupid men who think they know what they're doing.

Of course, the how of my fight would be a different matter entirely. Right now, well I wanted revenge, scratch that I wanted blood. A run would probably suffice in clearing my thoughts, giving me space and cooling my heels. Did I want to calm down? No, not right now I needed to be angry in order to take some sort of action.

I didn't have enough information, back up or resources for a solid plan of action but I could do something right now, which would be covert enough not to raise any suspicion and still satisfy some of my need.

Ah, the humble prank, the epitome of revenge.

Now the only question is, what to do?

I also didn't want anyone to get in trouble because of me either, so that ruled some pranks out maybe I should walk around a little, really check this place out maybe then I'll get some inspiration.

I walk straight into the wing I've never been in before, was this the dorms? I'm not sure, going at a slow measured pace I wave around my flashlight, taking every detail in.

I'm trying to be super silent as these are not just any people sleeping in these rooms, these are
werewolves and with their heighten sense of everything I could wake anyone up with a creak.
That wouldn't go down every favourably – not in the slightest. And knowing my luck, this would be the warrior dorm who would kill me in two seconds flat without even opening their eyes.

Which wouldn't be fun.

I find nothing of interest down this hallway,going into the wing as further as I braved right up till the lounge area which made me feel sorry for whoever was cleaning this mess. In fact, it wasn't until I had reached the very last wing left to be explored did I notice something odd. Every other wing had a common room, the chill area and while they all differed in terms of furniture and contents it was easy to see what the room was for.

'The room was sparse: a rug on the floor, a few tatty blankets here and there, wooden children's toys littered around. The only thing that didn't look like it belonged in the past were drawers, tall, silver, filing cabinets which lined the whole of one wall. This was something you'd expect to see in an office, not here.

I open the nearest one to me and inside I see clothes, so worn that I could barely distinguish the colours is this why Dennis came back with so little clothes?

Did he used to sleep here? I open a few more only to see the same thing, different types of clothes and in the last one toiletries, or what could barely be passed for them, a few toothbrushes, a few towels and bars of soap.

Honestly, I wasn't sure how this revelation made me feel my emotions meter was full to the brim so was my how-to-deal-with-anything dial, I'm pretty sure if anyone asked me anything remotely basic about my life I wouldn't be able to put together a sentence.

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