31- Unwanted guests

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"Listen to me, I will not let anything happen to you. And neither will this pack. We will do everything we can to protect you. And if he wants a fight, I'll damn well give him one." He growls, possessively circling his arms around me, pulling me closer to him and nuzzling my neck.

Theo going all caveman on me is oddly reassuring and comforting.

Over the next few days we made the decision to tell Callum about what was going on and the rest of the pack. Obviously, things were pretty filtered down for the under 18s but everyone knew that there was someone out there who wanted to hurt me and potentially the rest of the pack.

Theo had also decided to invite his brother down to have a talk, granted it was a while away but it was a step towards building a bridge between the two of them.

Despite the precautions and the extra patrols, over these past few months nothing seemed to happen, no suspicious activity, no more parcels or cryptic letters. It was almost as if this was some kind of twisted hoax.

I could tell the atmosphere in the pack was changing, from on guard to relaxing a little, while I was still a little apprehensive that he was biding his time. I was loathe to say anything, especially this week where we had organised a craft fair, with lots of food, games, stalls and rides.

I know we need this, not only as a pack but as a community with humans living amongst us, it was a great business opportunity to everyone who was trying to start anew, build their own little business and show them off to not only the people of our city but state wide. This pack felt like it was progressing instead of being stuck in that downward spiral that it had been for the past few years.

The boys and I were running some last minute errands for the fair, while we didn't have a stall as organisers of the fair we had so many of the finer details to sort out. Those who didn't have a stall had a number of other jobs to do.

As much as I'm enjoying the benefits of this fair and how much everyone else is loving it too, I can't wait to have a few days of normality where I can just do nothing much. Put my feet up with a nice cup of tea, some cake, a movie maybe.

I make my way to pick the kids up from the crèche currently running at the pack house, so we can all enjoy the fair together. I pull up at the pack house in my trusty truck, who knew Jason's choice would turn out to be so handy?

I can tell immediately, something's not quite right.

This pack house is supposed to have 20 or so children from 1-13 running around and all the carers, so why is it so silent?

Okay, deep breathe. May just be your brain going into overdrive.

I walk through the door, my phone hovering over Theo's speed dial. I don't want to jump the gun but its better to be safe than sorry.

I walk into the the room and my mouth opens with horror.

Oh no.

"Hello, sweetheart. We've been waiting for you."

I recoil at the sound of his voice but I can't let myself be seen as weak. Collecting myself quickly, I scan the room for any injuries, one of the carers is out cold with a little bit of blood on her temple while another is being held by a knife to her neck. As discreetly as possible I ring Theo.

"Let them go, it's me you want."

"It's not just you I want," he answers sauntering up to me, "I want my son too." Trevor says.

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