5- Am I going crazy?

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The best way to do anything in life was to act completely natural about it, well this was the current ethos I was trying to exercise in my life at this current moment in time. I rooted through my bags which were conveniently placed in Theo's room, key word conveniently. If that wasn't a hint I'm not
sure what would be.

I hear the door closing behind me and instantly feel his gaze on my back, this would be the moment I'd ask for the universe not to screw me over by me accidentally ripping into my underwear bag and spilling its contents all over the floor,leaving me completely mortified and scrambling to pick them up.

No, universe, be on my side please.

And for the meantime it was. I had found nightwear and toiletries which I could make do with for now.

He had an en suite which was perfect, I changed there and brushed my teeth, thankfully he got with the program- my program and that was that we were going to sleep in the bed. Not do
other stuff, which may be normal for other matings but no – tonight and every other night for the foreseeable future(read: a very long time yet) things will be remaining...platonic.

I would even be willing to make a pillow wall– heck if the need arises a pillow fort, but as ever I'm jumping the gun quite a bit right now, I get under the cool sheets, ignoring him completely on the far right side of the bed.

I wake up as sunlight filters through the blinds, I actually fell asleep! I'd like to dedicate this new
day, with this refreshed feeling of having just had an amazing sleep to my good old friend – brain, we're usually super tight but sometimes it likes to be a jerk and do the most annoying things ever like dredge up ever terrifying memory I've ever had, every humiliation, anything. I hope that last night was an indication that things are getting better now.

If only, I won't get my hopes up knowing that given the chance my brain will screw me over. I
stumble out of bed, take a quick shower and change relaxed but wonder where Theo had gone, probably some pack business. I quickly glance at the time which tells me I'm late, its 10 o clock in the morning the kids will be awake.

I make my way downstairs without getting lost and find Jason and Dennis were sitting in the breakfast bar munching on some cereal. Good, I wanted to get the plans of the day started. I notice a women standing behind the gas cooker flipping bacon and eggs. Short brown curls framing her face, her cheeks rosy as she flashed me a smile.

"Luna!" She exclaims after seeing me,"I've given the children their breakfast,what would you like to eat?"

"Thank you, please call me Alex, I appreciate what you've done but I'll be sorting out my own
breakfast and their food in the future."

"I'm the cook here, Luna and it would be my honour."

"It's Alex, how about we do the cooking together? We'll take it turns, I like cooking. What's your

"It's Rosie and only if you want to Luna."

"I'll skip breakfast today thank you, boys get changed and we'll go to the mall, Rosie do you know where Theo has gone?"

"He's in a meeting, shall I tell him you've gone?"

"Please," I smile, as a sip a glass of water, I was in such a daze yesterday that I've forgotten where
I've put the keys to the truck, where my wallet was... if we were going shopping I'd need money.
A quick jog up the stairs to our room I realise that it may have been with the rest of my bags and thus go to check. On my way back I attempt to find Theo's office crossing my fingers that I don't get too lost. He didn't include it on our grand tour yesterday maybe as I've already seen it. After walking aimlessly around for five minutes I manage to find a corridor that looks semi familiar, like all corridors don't look the same.

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