32 - The Great Escape

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I have no idea what time it is right now, but I don't even think that dawn has broken yet. I've just finished vomiting last nights dinner and the events of last night have me hopping into the shower and scrubbing my skin red raw.

Flashbacks assault my memory and vision as I fight the urge to sit down and weep. But no, I'm not going to let him get to me, let him change things. I need to get out and I need to get out now.

Stealing myself, I get out of the shower and see him out the corner of my eyes in bed sleeping soundly. As much as I would love to throttle him right in this moment, that would be a battle I can't win. I search for his keys in the darkness, and finally, find them in his jacket. After hiding them away, I creep out into the kitchen, he has a special drawer for my 'medicine'. Injections of silver concentrate to suppress my wolf.

But he made a mistake, he forgot to give me it yesterday so I take out the injection and hide that away too after this, I sneak back into bed again swallowing my repulsion.

Sleep eludes me, as much as I try to think of all the people I love and our wonderful memories together. My mind can't move past the events of last night, replaying like some broken record of a horror show I never want to remember.

I know I need my energy, I need it for this small window of opportunity, my life was depending on how convincing of an actress I could be.

Dawn comes too early, I was actually falling asleep my mind having turned into a slushy mess. I'm awoken out of my half dozed state with a rough shove.

"Where are my keys?" Trevor asks.

"Keys?" I mumble, my sleepy state adding to the confusion in my voice.

"Stupid whore," He grips my jaw, nails digging into my cheeks, "I don't have time to deal with you now." He yanks me from the bed and drags me by my hair to the kitchen where he ties me to the cupboard with a a silver laced chain.

He leaves moments later but not before kicking and threatening me. I didn't think he would tie me up but that went a lot easier than planned. Jace wakes up soon after, I try acting like everything is okay but I'm not really doing a good job.

I tell him where to find the keys and tell him how to use the lock. I hate myself for doing this but right now, he's my only hope in ever leaving. Trevor was too deluded, he had clearly been planning for this for quite some time, not like the first time. How could he afford to be keeping us here? And how was it that no one knew where he was? He was up to something very fishy and I wanted no part in it. This isn't how I want Jace to live, for his childhood. The longer I stayed the more chances I'd be giving to him to break me, keep me here forever.

I need this to work.

I need to get out of this house.

Otherwise I have no idea what Trevor might do to me.

I've been sitting in front of the clock for the past hour or two now, having pep talked my baby and advised him in all the ways I knew how. Every single worse case scenario has been running through my head with new ideas popping up every so often. The kitchen reeks of burning flesh form all the attempts I've made trying to get free of these shackles.

I've been waiting for him to come home, I've got my injection from yesterday up one sleeve and a small knife up the other.

I'm going to go down fighting.

Ironically, I end up falling asleep. Only realising I did after being kicked awake.

"Where is he?" He growls.

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