9- When you just can't even anymore

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The next morning we head straight to the mall buying gifts and other essentials for the women, I didn't have numbers so I didn't know how much quantity I needed. at the same time I didn't want them to think I was attempting to buy their favour.

I then decided against buying anything at all, doubts making me second guess myself. The twins would be the best people to ask, I thought, assuming they were more aware of the situation in their pack and would know far more than I would learn by myself. But I knew what I was buying them,whether they liked it or not.

I don't expect to see anyone back at the pack house, mainly as they're probably doing their own thing somewhere. Once I figure out which room is theirs I set everything up leaving the note anonymous and also invite them to come talk to me sometime. I decide to keep dinner simple tonight, with jacket potatoes, while I mulled over the pros and cons of ringing the council. Technically, it was my obligation to do this as not only the future Luna of the pack but as a citizen of the were community in order to make this corner of the world a better place.

I don't want the backlash, which may not effect me as much but could be quite dangerous to others. How do I go about changing their mentality? How did this even start? This pack, according to my little knowledge isn't a very old pack its a 7-8 years old. Which in comparison to other packs is nothing, given their ability to trace their pack back to the dawn of time.

Sating my curiosity, I pulled out my laptop while the boys were playing in the yard and began to do some digging, pulling up anything that I could find about Theo, about this pack, anything. Given my little snooping session a few days prior I can safely assume that there are no electrical copies of pack member records which left me with two options. One go back, into Theo's office to snoop around again which would be major pain in the ass. Or two, ring the council and get the pack records off them. Which wouldn't be a true reflection of the pack as it'll be dated by a year or two but it'll give me the core members of the pack to look into.

It would initially mean more internet searching and more work for my PI. Just before I get started on dinner, I decide to take the boys out for a walk. I needed seclusion and distance away from the pack house, if I didn't want to get caught ringing the council. We walk aimlessly exploring the nearby area until we stumble on a small empty playground.

I give the kids free reign as I scope it out, looks like nobodies here, perfect. Before I could change my mind I dial the number and select the necessary options to take me through to the council leader, my anxiety mounting more and more as I wait for someone to pick up the phone. Anybody could come and listen in, I'm not ashamed to say that I used my name as leverage to get this far. Most people would be directed to his secretary and told to leave a message.

"Alex, what can I do for you?" Aleena's soft spoken voice fills my ears, there was no one leader in the council, there were two the Luna and Alpha, every year they were challenged for their position and if they won, they got to keep it for another year and if not the other couple would take over. Think of it like the presidential elections only, more effective and the people put in charge actually delivered on what they promised.

"I don't have much time, so I'm just going to jump into it. I'm mated to an Alpha who while I don't think he does anything but he allows others to abuse his pack members and was wondering when they last had an inspection."

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