28 - Bonfire kisses

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I'm not going to lie, I have no words at the moment. But I realise that I need to say something soon just to give him some reassurance. That I would be here for him no matter what. What was the right thing to say at this point? He'd opened up so much, everything made so much more sense now. As words aren't coming to me I take his hand in mine and squeeze instead.

Sure, this wasn't going to make our relationship suddenly amazing and perfect but at least we were one stop closer to understanding each other. It was just as I was about to lean my head against his lap that a knock interrupted us.

"Luna," Dr Brown barged in, he then saw Theo and had the gal to look ashamed," ugh, apologies Alpha, Luna. But it's really ... erm. Important. One of our patients has recovered." He carries on regardless, it's amusing seeing him so flustered but Theo's not impressed with the complete lack of respect he's just shown. 

To diffuse the situation I give Theo a light peck on his cheek and walk towards the doctor asking for further details, who happily obliged once he realised he wouldn't have his head bitten off. This was a big deal, as clearly the medical team had given up hope on the pack members ever recovering. For me however, I was just glad that Theo's recovering wasn't a fluke and the fruits were working for everyone else too.

A huge part of me was super tempted to go round feeding everyone again but I didn't want to make their recoveries look too suspicious especially as Theo's presence had already made some waves. A quick glance at the time and I notice that the boys would be back soon from their swimming class after kindergarden.

It really was about time that they started their academic journey but really I had been too preoccupied with everything to look into schools, which got me a huge lecture off Clara who took upon the job herself.

It made me feel less guilty about not being able to be around them and do as much with them lately, especially with everything going on now. I couldn't wait for the look on their faces when they saw Theo, even though they hadn't said anything to me about it I could tell they were missing him.

In next to no time, they were home and had yet to notice Theo who was sitting at the table. Dinner was ready but I was beginning to doubt they would actually eat anything now out of excitement. We needed a nice family dinner and I had even made dessert.

"Mom? What's for dinner?"

"I've set it out on the table sweetie, go sit down I'm coming."

I was waiting in complete anticipation for them to get to the table already and see their surprise. I wasn't disappointed.

"Daaaaddd!" Two voices shouted in unison, rugby tackling him at once. The rest of the dinner was uneventful, we talked about nothing much. Which was nice and mundane from what had been happening recently. 

After putting the kids in bed I made a final round with Theo, to see the patients. I could see the conflict in his eyes, how torn he felt about everything. They looked a little better though, the colour of their skin looked a little less pale, some of the patients were even in and out of consciousness according to their notes.

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