21 - The 'Perfectly' Planned Party

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Maybe, I was over exaggerating things, that was a distinct possibility. I mean, I've definitely done that before – I'm human, humans are great users of hyperbole. We are over dramatic creatures by nature, we are inclined to jump to conclusions, to make lists of 1,000 ways something could go wrong, to misinterpret things, to -

Just stop.

This is really not the time to go into a brain meltdown.

This, being sitting in your truck, kids strapped in, being potentially stalked.

I take a quick look at my surroundings whilst we're stopped at a light. How have I managed to drive half way home whilst my brain had been frying?

This was ridiculous, even by my standards.

As the light changes I look into my dash mirror seeing someone staring directly at me, it's him. It has to be but the most crazy thing is not that my brain was right, it was that I had seen those eyes before.

With the exact same look burning through them: malice.

I plaster a smile on my face as I turn to look at the kids who seem to have somewhat gotten over whatever that man said. I'm in full concentration as I drive now, taking a few wrong turns trying to lose him – which wouldn't really be much help because if he was the same person in the backyard the other night, he would know where I lived anyway.

A look in the mirror again tells me he's not around, I let out a sigh of relief and head straight back home now. As I pull into the pack house driveway, my heart is still racing I really need to calm down. Sure, something could have happened but it didn't, he was just following us.

Which I get, is bad enough.

But – ugh my head is so everywhere with this. I need to talk to Theo about it.

Maybe he might be able to help?

As Alpha he would know if anyone new is  entering his territory right?

I'm running on auto-pilot as I make dinner and put the kids to bed. I'm yet to see Theo but have calmed down considerably since returning. I've got a consultation appointment in the next 5 minutes and so am arming myself with everything I'll need to deal with this client. Tea, Advil and copious chocolate biscuits.

Halfway through, Theo arrives. I warm up his dinner and he sits listening to the discussion going on about why the client can't build through protected wetlands no matter how rich he is.

Eventually the guy calls his lawyer to confirm everything I'm saying and we end the meeting on an agreement, too tired to even arrange another meeting with him I tell him to drop me an email.

"Can I ask you something?" Theo says as I'm about to power everything off.

"Sure, go ahead." I try to make my voice seem blasé but in reality I'm totally not, I'm wondering about everything he could possibly ask me and more.

"How many people have you been with?"

"Been with, like dated? Erm well... none really. I wouldn't call what Jason's father and I had a relationship."

"What about all the Alphas?"

"What Alphas?" I keep my tone neutral, despite that I'm both hurt and angry that of all the places he could go looking for information about me he decided that the internet was the most unbiased, all knowledgeble place to go.


"Did you google me?"

"Yeah," he says sheepishly, well at least he was ashamed about it.

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