Kind stranger

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Artemis p.o.v:

I woke up with a throbbing headache, that's when I remembered my hunters, luckily I was able to get them to safety before I was captured by some Titan, I didn't know who it was because he was wearing a mask when he attacked my camp.

We had been looking for Perseus, he had left camp 7 years ago after some incidents involving a certain son of Zeus. And now look where that has gotten me.

I was in a dark cell, it was really dark, it took my eyes a few minutes to adjust to the darkness. The room was a rectangle, the floor was wet and so were the walls, I was shackled to one of the walls. I tried to break free but the chains were made out of celestial bronze.

The room was really humid, but the water that dripped from the ceiling had a red tint to it. That's when I realized that I was in Tartarus.

Opposite of me was another person shackled to the wall, I couldn't make out any details because it was too dark and the person's head was hanging down.

I was alone with my thoughts, some were funny like the way that I was secured to the wall made me look like a star. Not a real one, just the one that mortal children draw. Some of my thoughts were not so funny, like the fact that I could get killed easily in here.

After what seemed like hours a door to my left opened with an audible creak. A man walked in dressed in golden armor, from his helmet to his sandals, everything was gold. So I figured out that it was Hyperion, the Titan of light.

He was followed by Krios, the Titan of heavenly constellations. Krios slammed the door hard, making my cell mate stir.

"He is awake, get Oceanus!" Hyperion said over his shoulder to Krios.

I knew that Hyperion had a very fiery temper, but he was angry before he had even started my interrogation.

"Why am I here?" I said angrily.

"DON'T QUESTION ME!" Hyperion screamed causing my cell mate to stir again.

"But you are here because Kronos is rising again and I need answers on how to defeat the Olympians." Hyperion said calming down a little.

"Do you really expect me to tell you information I don't have?" I said before I glanced at my cell mate.

Since Hyperion had walked in, there was a significant more amount of light in the room, which gave me the opportunity to study my cell mate, he had dark black hair and his body, he looked like he had stepped out of one of those fitness magazines. The only problem was that his whole upper body was filled with scars and blood. He was only wearing pants.

"My face is here!" Hyperion shouted while moving his hand in front of my face.

"No, I don't expect you to tell me what you don't know, because everything that I want to know is right here." He said as he poked my head with his finger.

The door creaked open again this time Oceanus was with Krios, Oceanus walked over to my cell mate. He stood in front of him threateningly.

"Wakey, wakey time!" He said as he punched him in his face. The person mumbled something, which made Oceanus angry and he punched him again.

"What did you say?" Oceanus said grabbing the persons hair.

"I said, I was already awake. In fact I have been awake for the last five days!" The person said angrily, I recognized his voice, but I just couldn't think of his name.

That was until he looked up and I saw his face. The sea green eyes, but this time he had a scar running up his face. From the left corner of his mouth to just under his left eye.

"P-Pe-Perseus? Is that you?" I stuttered out. It was silent for a few seconds until he started chuckling.

"Ah, yes Lady Artemis, you have finally found me. Not in the best circumstances of course but you can still kill me!" Perseus said with a small chuckle afterwards.

"What do you mean?" I said confused. Had he gone crazy? He had been missing for 7 years. Had he been down here all that time?

"You know godsdamned well what I mean!" He said angrily.

He turned to Oceanus, "You still don't believe me, huh? I have turned my back on Olympus years ago! So why would I tell you the information that will make me the ruler of the world. I will overthrow Olympus on my own. You half-witted fool!" Perseus screamed angrily.

"Why don't you release me and we might come to terms?" He said now a little bit less angry.

"Perseus, what happened to you?" I said a little bit angry and confused. I had no idea what he was saying. He had gone crazy.

"You and your hunt happened to me! If you hadn't been hunting me I wouldn't be down here in this-this-this hellhole with these FOOLS!" He screamed that last word.

All three Titans turned to face him. This wasn't going to end well for Perseus.

"Looking for trouble, huh?" Hyperion said as a bright light formed in his hand and his spear appeared in it.

He creeped closer to Perseus and as he stood only a few inches from Perseus' face he stabbed him in his stomach. It wasn't a deep thrust, but it was nonetheless a stab in his stomach.

I heard a weird noise outside and all the Titans left the room. "You are lucky this time, son of Poseidon!" Hyperion said before he left.

"I am no son of that being!" Perseus croaked out.

"Perseus, are you alright?" I said. He obviously wasn't but his response surprised me.

"Yeah, I'm used to the pain. I am sorry Lady Artemis, I had to keep up the act so that they would leave you alone." He said while he had his head hanging down.

The door opened again but this time a nymph walked in, she had a bowl of water and a towel in her hand. She kneeled before Perseus and put the wet towel on his wound. She was nursing his wound.

"Are you okay?" The nymph asked politely.

"Yes, thank you Elidy." Perseus answered politely.

As soon as the nymph had left Perseus looked at me, "Time to make your escape plan."

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