Another New Leader

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-------1 month later-------
Artemis p.o.v:

The first meeting under the rule of Ares and Nico had just begun. I looked around, and everyone was present. Except for my father and uncles. A rage boiled up in me, but I could sense how strong Ares was, so I calmed myself and waited.

I didn't have to wait long, "Let's start this meeting!" Ares said.

"I have a few things to discuss, first we are welcoming our latest ally and leader! Perseus Jackson!" Ares smiled smugly at me.

The doors from the gardens of Olympus swung open and there he stood. Dressed in a royal blue suit, his hair was styled perfectly but it still retained the windswept look.

He walked forward slowly, his shoes clearly audible on the white marble floor. Perseus' face had no specific emotion on it, he looked straight ahead without ever wavering.

"Thank you! By your silence I take that you all have nothing to discuss? Good!" He said as he smiled.

"You're not a god?" Demeter said.

"Yes, that's true. I am the Titan of light. Explaining everything will take too long, but I killed Hyperion three times and took over his powers." He said.

Nico and Ares both stood up, Ares stood in the middle with Nico to his right. Perseus climbed up the few steps and took his place to Ares' left.

"On to the next point!" Ares said and they all sat down. No one had said anything, most were too shocked or confused to even think straight.

"Ah yes, do you mind if I tell everyone?" Perseus asked as he rubbed his hands together. "Go ahead." Ares nodded.

"We have decided that the Olympian Council is useless, and therefore we are throwing all of you out. From now on everything will be decided by Nico, Ares and me." Perseus said nonchalantly.

Panic struck and sounds of protest were heard around the room. But no one dared to speak up after they had witnessed the last time Ares got angry.

"You have lost your mind! Do you think I will just sit back and let you throw me out!" I got up.

"Artemis, calm down! You're not literally being thrown out. You will stay as advisors, but you won't have any say in the final decision." Perseus answered sternly.

"If any of you are willing to do something stupid, Nico has some alternative seats for you instead of those thrones. He calls them torture seats!" Ares said.

I looked around, no one was going to help me. They were all too scared to do anything. I decided to do the only sensible thing, I shut up and sat down.

"Perfect! This meeting is now concluded! You can all leave." Nico spoke up for the first time.

Everyone got up and walked away, some flashed away. I was about to flash away when Perseus stopped me.

"Not you Artemis." He said.

And shortly after we were the only two left in the throne room. We walked towards each other and met in the middle.

"I feel I should thank you, kind of. For helping me out back in Tartarus. So, if there is anything you need, please let me know." Perseus said as he stopped in front of me.

"There's something I need." I said as a small plan started forming in my head.

"Well, what is it?" He asked.

"I want you to spend some time with the hunt and I." I answered with a frown on my face.

"And then what? You'll try to convince me that you and the rest are the good guys? I know you are! I know Ares is the not so good guy. But as long as I am on that throne I can prevent anybody from becoming the real bad guy." He explained. I noticed how he sounded tired.

"But I'll spend some more time with you." He said.

"Me and my hunt you mean?" I taunted.

"Yes!" He blushed.

"I need your help too," he quickly recovered, "I'm going to hunt down some titans."

"Not getting power crazy I hope?" I said with my eyes squinted.

"Then we can also discuss the situation with The Big Three." He successfully avoided my question.

"Great, I look forward to your company." I said, quickly realizing that it sounded flirty.

"You've been spending too much time with Aphrodite." He laughed.

I laughed with him and bid him farewell. I flashed to my hunt, who were staying at Camp Half-Blood, to inform them.

I opened the door The Big House, only to find a meeting already going on. Nico was standing opposite of me, he nodded at me and greetings were heard all around the table. Thalia and Zoë were present too.

"So, as I was saying. Even though I am now co-leader along with Perseus and Ares, I would still like to stay close friends. Like we have always been." Nico said softly.

"We would like that too Nico!" Jason answered as he stood up and walked over to him.

The rest nodded and made their agreements audible. Nico grabbed Jason's hand and shook it, the blond boy then grabbed Nico's shoulders and hugged him.

"We all know how you have been feeling after Will was murdered by that excuse for a demigod." Piper said as she put her hand on his back.

"I blamed Perseus, and I believed it. I actually thought he would do something like that." Nico said as he straightened up.

"Well, you weren't the only one amigo." Leo chimed in.

"Yeah, I fell for it too." I said and I left The Big House, closing the door behind me.

I'm on a roll!





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