Chapter 3: The Meeting

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The next morning, Callaghan was up, having breakfast provided by Heathcliff.

Fred came down for his breakfast and was amazed to see Callaghan.

Callaghan noticed something in the newspaper. "Look at this, Fred. It says here the hit Disney Junior show PJ Masks is due to hit the big screens with a film in July." He said. "It says it will explore the origins of the PJ Masks organization."

"Cool!" Fred said.

Later, There was a knock on the door. Heathcliff left to answer the door. He saw Langstorm Krei was standing on the doorstep. "Hi." Langstrom said, wiping his shoes on the doormat as he entered.

"Master Fred, Langstrom Krei is here." Heathcliff said.

"OK, Heath! Thanks!" Fred called. He headed down to get the phone.

At once, the team got Fred's message and arrived for the meeting.

"I guess this is your house, Mr Fred Lee." Langstrom said. "Yup." Fred said proudly.

They settled themselves into the living room, where the others were.

Heathcliff went up to Langstrom. "Tea, sir?" he asked.

Langstrom turned to Heathcliff. "Blue Mountain, with milk, but no sugar, please." Heathcliff left.

Langstrom stared at a picture of a younger Fred with his parents. "I knew your father very well, Mr Lee." Langstorm said.

"You know my dad?" Fred asked in surprise.

"I do." Langstrom said. "I shared a room in grad school with him. He shares the same method of wearing his underwear with you."

"Does he?" Honey asked. "Yup." Fred said proudly. "He told me." Langstrom grinned. "That's how I wear my underwear as well."

"It is?" Fred and GoGo asked "Yup." Langstrom said, grinning broadly. "I wear them front, I wear them back, I go inside out, and then I go front and back."

"Me too." Fred laughed. "I wear them front, I wear them back, I go inside out, and then I go front and back."

Langstrom chuckled. "Like father, like son, huh?"

Fred nodded. "Yes."

Langstrom turned to Hiro. "I see that you and your friends have become superheroes."

Hiro nodded. "Yes, yes we have. We work hard to keep the city of San Fransokyo safe, and help others in need. My late brother, Tadashi, wanted to help people, so now me, & his friends will carry out his dreams, as a superhero team, called Big Hero 6."

Langstrom was interested. "It's true, Langstrom." Callaghan said. "They saved my daughter."

Langstrom was impressed. "I am very fascinated by your superhero technology. You must show me."

Hiro grinned. "OK." He said. "But tell no one."

He, Callaghan, and his friends, followed by Langstrom Krei, went out to Fred's yard.

In Fred's yard, they went up to a statue of a familiar villain from Frozen. Hiro knocked on it, and the statue moved, revealing a secret staircase. They headed down the staircase.

It led to a secret chamber, almost like the chamber to Fred's dad's superhero gadget room, except it was much different; there were chambers to the BH6's suits, a screen to scan crime in San Fransokyo, a teleportation system designed like a smaller version of Alistair Krei's portal experiment, and a fancy technology table.

Langstrom whistled. "Nice digs." He said.

"Yeah." Hiro said. "We recently had it developed a few weeks ago. Tell them, Fred."

"OK. It's like this: When Dad came home, We talked about what had been going on recently. He found out that me & my friends were now superheroes, and he was impressed. When we defeated an evil supervillain that attacked San Fransokyo that wanted Dad's technology, he was proud of us, and he allowed us to have our own superhero lair, like his." Fred said.

"Amazing." Langstrom Krei said. He looked at all the suits Hiro made for himself, his friends, and Baymax. "I wonder, Hiro..." Langstrom said. "How might a person make such advanced suits like these?"

"I'll show you." Hiro went up to the technology table, and whipped up a computer containing the data for the suits he had once made for himself, Baymax, and his friends. "Look." He said to Langstrom, showing him the data for the suits he made, showing each one in turn. He had only just finished when he saw his watch. "Ah. Lunchtime." He said. He and his friends headed up to the teleporter and he set the coordinates to his aunt's café. He turned to Langstrom. "I trust you can see yourself out." He said. Once he & his friends teleported out, Langstrom turned to the computer, then to Callaghan. "You know what to do." He said, handing him a memory stick.

Without a second thought, Callaghan gathered the suit data, and copied it onto the memory stick that Langstrom gave him. The data copying process soon finished, and then Callaghan gave Langstrom the memory stick.

"Thank you." Langstrom said. And he left the lair, Callaghan following soon after. "What's your address?" Langstrom asked. "It's 1245 Zen Bao Lane." Callaghan said, as he wrote his address down on a bit of paper.

"Thanks." Langstrom said, as Callaghan gave him the paper with his address.

Heathcliff turned up. "Would you like some lunch, sir?" he asked Langstrom.

"uh, No, thank you. I have to go." Langstrom said. "I'll see myself out. Farewell." And he went.

Callaghan turned to Heathcliff. "A lettuce sandwich, but no spread. I'm trying to watch my cholesterol. And a glass of water."

"Certainly, sir. Follow me." Callaghan followed Fred's butler back into the manor.

Later that evening, Langstrom checked on his computer to find Callaghan's home. At that moment, a post popped up. He was surprised by the name of the person who that post belonged to. "Who's WildeHopps627?" he said, surprised.

A guard noticed and said, "Oh! That's just a friendly woman down the street, that's nothing, let me just take care of that. It's just a woman!" he chuckled nervously, as he typed something onto said post, then sent it off.

Langstrom typed up the name of Callaghan's address. At once, the directions to it popped up. He wrote them down.

And at that moment, another guard came in, with a folder. "Did you get the folder?" he asked the guard.

"Yes. Yes I did." The guard said. Langstrom opened the folder, and stared at the documents in it, and a picture of him, his brother, Callaghan, and some other people.

"Perfect." He said evilly. "The plan is coming together. And they don't even suspect anything. Soon, I will find the artefact I need, and soon, I will be able to get what I want. And the only thing I need," he added, staring at the picture again, before looking at the newspaper of the portal incident, "is the exact same person that was in danger before..."

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