Chapter 12: Tiki-Bot Warrior

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The Tiki-Bot Warrior roared evilly.

"Yikes." Honey said. "We're in danger, and just when we were gonna get the crystal."

"What do we do now, Hiro?" GoGo said. "Simple." Hiro said. "We fight."

With that, the team took on Tiki-Bot Warrior. Fred used his super jump to distract it whilst Honey fired Chem balls to stun it, so that Fred could burn the armor with his breath. Then it fired it's cannon, which shot balls of gooey magma at them, but Hiro used his suit's magnets to repel them toward the ocean, where they were extinguished.

GoGo used her speed to lead the robot away form the lab, then Wasabi leapt in to use his cutter blades to cut off the brittle armor. Honey fired chemballs into the cannon and jammed it, stopping it from working. However, the robot wasn't stopped that easily. It used it's plugged cannon like a hammer to attack, but Baymax defended Hiro from the assault. Callaghan used his microbots to hold it down so Hiro could get up to the head and rip out it's power source.

Once Hiro did that, the TikiBot Warrior entered a self-destruct sequence. Baymax quickly threw the robot into the ocean, where it created an explosion of water that could be seen from the Island of Sodor.

The thugs were not impressed at all. "You win this time, Hiro, but you better watch your back!" the first thug said. "Yeah, unless we're behind you, so you'd better watch your front." the second thug said. "Regardless, the next time we meet will be your doom. YOUR DOOM!" The third thug shouted. The thugs escaped.

the team discovered the lab looked like an explosion hit it. "Whatever happened?" Hiro said. "This reminds me of the showcase incident."

As the team searched, Fred happened to find an old drawer that seemed unscathed by whatever explosion hit it. "Maybe what we're looking for is in here?" Wasabi said. He carefully cut the drawer open, and the team saw the Cipher crystal.

"Yes!" Fred cheered. "We found the Cipher Crystal!" It was then Hiro discovered something else in the drawer - a photo of two people, a grey haired man and a woman that looked like his Aunt Cass, but with different clothes, and they were with younger versions of Alistair Krei and his brother Langstrom, Robert Callaghan, Antonio and Sharon Scalin, and a man that looked like the adult Lewis from Meet the Robinsons, but with black hair instead of blonde hair. "Could that have been Gregor?" Honey said to Hiro, who was staring at the photo. He turned the photo over, and he saw some words on the back:

'For our favourite sons, Hiro & Tadashi.'

'Signed, Ryan & Kelly Hamada; aka Mom & Dad.'

"Mom & Dad... were with... Krei?" Hiro said to himself.

AS the team left the lab with the crystal and the photo, Hiro just couldn't help thinking about his parents. Could THEY be part of the Nightmare Crown?

"Come on Hiro." Callaghan said. "We've got the crystal, and now we'll be safe if Langstrom tries to get the Nightmare Crown to take over San Fransokyo!"

At that moment, the team turned to him. "What?" Honey asked. Callaghan's eyes widened. "uhhh... nothing. Nothing at all. Just forget I said anything." he said quickly, and nervously.

Callaghan didn't know it, but he had inadvertently disobeyed Langstrom's orders to keep the plan a secret. "Riiight." Hiro said. "We'd better get back home." With that, the team teleported back to San Fransokyo.

Unbeknownst to them, Langstrom Krei had been hidden in some nearby bushes, and he'd heard everything, including what Callaghan had said. "I can't believe he did that! After everything I did to break him outta prison!" he snapped. "He's gonna pay for his disobedience!" Using his teleporter, he teleported back to his mansion in San Fransokyo, eager to settle the score with Callaghan for his disobedience.

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