Chapter 18: Callaghan's Perspective

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As soon as we returned to Fred's mansion, Hiro studied the map we recovered from Yama.

He declared that, first thing tomorrow, we'd get to the temple, find the Crown of Nightmares, and then we'd get it away from Langstrom.

Whilst in my bed, half of me still felt bitter over Alistair Krei, but the other half felt... different.

You see, All the time spent in prison and the time spent whilst Langstrom Krei kept me undercover had given me time to think. And I'd realized something:

When I was arrested for destroying Krei Tech, I saw my daughter being put into an ambulance. I knew Hiro and his friends had saved her, and I was grateful. But when I was locked up in prison, I continually blamed myself for what I had done. I forever regret the day Tadashi died; for I'd killed him, and I didn't even know I had.

All that changed, however, when Langstrom Krei busted me out, and helped me to recover. I never expected Alistair Krei's brother would help me, after all I went through, including losing my daughter in his pathetic brother's wormhole experiment, who I still hate that conceited jerkface for.

Somehow or other; to me, I think this whole thing is quite suspicious. It seems that I am the link towards everything.

But to be honest, now that I've fought alongside Big Hero 6, including Hiro, Baymax, and his friends, I have to admit a new found respect. And also, I think I've realized something from all of this: I'm not really so different from them after all.

Which is more than can be said for that Fred guy; for he owns a huge mansion, and I remembered him muttering in his sleep a few days back, about gaining extra toes on his feet. It was actually quite funny. It made me think of that Antonio Scalin guy, and I'd also imagined myself gaining extra fingers and toes.

I feel like a fool for doing those evil things, but I think if this is the one shot I have at getting my redemption, then I need to take this chance. I know it's a tough decision, but sometimes, that's the way of life.

If it's the only way I can see my beloved Abigail again, so be it.

Don't worry about me, Abigail, I'm perfectly fine, and you'll know about all I've done to redeem myself. When this is over, I'll soon be seeing you in person again, just like I used to do.

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