Chapter 24: Langstrom's Message

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At Fred's Manor, Hiro and the team told Robert Callaghan everything that had happened ever since his arrest at the end of the film, and that included the events of the 'Big Hero 6 TV series' pilot 'Baymax Returns', and the events of the 3DS game Battle in the Bay as well.

"I can't believe Yama did all that ever since my arrest." Robert said.

"I know." Hiro said. "He wanted revenge ever since I beat him in that bot fighting tournament a while back. And now I'm not into that anymore."

"And I still can't believe you stole a paperweight from Professor Granville." Callaghan said.

Hiro nodded uneasily.

"Despite that, you still saved your aunt from death on that train." Callaghan said.

"Yes, yes we did." Hiro said.

Callaghan smiled. "You did good, back then, Hiro. Just like Tadashi would have done." he said. "If I could, I'd take my hat off to you, and quite possibly my shoes and socks, and my shirt, and my pants-"

"TOO MUCH INFORMATION!" Wasabi yelled, covering his ears in shock, horror, and disgust.

The team and Callaghan laughed. Hiro suddenly became serious. "Listen up, everyone." he said. "If this was Langstrom Krei's first attempt of an attack, he certainly means business."

"And now he's got the Crown of Nightmares, He'll be unstoppable." Honey added.

"Exactly." Hiro said. "So if we get rid of the crown, we can get rid of Langstrom's evil power."

"So we have to destroy the crown to stop it?" Wasabi asked. "Yes." Callaghan said, nodding. "I should have destroyed that infernal crown years ago. Now, we'll have to try as hard as we can to destroy it."

"Right." Hiro said. "Tadashi would have done the same thing for us, so now, tomorrow, we have to do what he'll wanted: to keep the city safe."

"OK!" Fred cheered. "To the power of six!"

"To the power of six!" Honey, GoGo, Wasabi, Hiro and Baymax said, putting their hands in together.

Hiro motioned for Callaghan to join in. He was reluctant at first, but he decided to do it anyway. "To the power of six!" he said, putting his hand in as well.

The next day, at the first light of early morning, Langstrom Krei got ready to broadcast his message all over the city. and he did.

His face appeared on screens all over the city, surprising all the townsfolk; even Professor Granville.

"Attention, all residents of San Fransokyo. I am Langstrom Krei. I have managed to get my hands on a long-forgotten Krei Tech device - The Crown of Nightmares."

The townsfolk gasped. They'd heard that the device had long gone, but now Langstrom Krei had found it!

"With this device, any nightmares I can create will come true! And I will use this crown to reduce your pathetic San Fransokyo to rubble!"

The townsfolk gasped in horror, and looked at one another with deeply troubled expressions.

"However," Langstrom added, "Since I am such a nice guy, I will give you a chance at survival. All you have to do is follow my list of demands."

He held out a list. "Number 1; surrender control of the city to me. Number 2; have the superhero team Big Hero 6 surrender to me. and Number 3; surrender all technology and all the money in the city to me as well."

"and, If you refuse to follow my demands," he added, "San Fransokyo will be turned into a crater! And all of you will be destroyed! Then I will take over the remains, and then, I'll move on to take over the world!"

The townsfolk were horrified. "You've got till midnight tomorrow night to give in to my demands. Good day."

By this time, Hiro and his friends were at Aunt Cass' café, seeing Langstrom Krei's message unfold on the TV.

"I might have known my ex-boyfriend was involved!" Aunt Cass said angrily.

Hiro and his friends' eyes popped wide upon hearing that. "You dated Langstrom Krei?!" Hiro said, his mouth agape.

"Yes. I did." Aunt Cass said. "That happened long ago - long before you and Tadashi were even born. He was a good guy, and he also liked to cook, like me. However, on my birthday, he made me a pizza, but..." Aunt Cass paused impressively.

"But what?" Honey asked. "What happened, Aunt Cass?" Hiro asked.

Aunt Cass quickly looked around, hoping no one else would hear. Then, she whispered into her nephew's ear; "He put olives on it!"

"Olives?" Wasabi asked curiously. "How could it that be bad, Aunt Cass?" Hiro asked his aunt.

Aunt Cass sighed. "Well, you never heard it from Tadashi or anyone else, but..."

"He didn't even know that Aunt Cass was allergic to olives!" Hiro said to Callaghan back at Fred's manor.

"Really?" Callaghan said, shocked. "I never knew your aunt was allergic to olives."

"Yes, yes she is." Wasabi said. "They make her face swell up big, red, and itchy. it was creepy when she showed us a picture of it." He shuddered at the thought.

"And that's what made Aunt Cass break up with Alistair Krei's brother." GoGo said.

"She made me and my friends promise to keep it between ourselves." Hiro added.

"Well, you did tell me, But rest assured, I won't tell anyone else." Callaghan said. "Cross my heart."

"OK," GoGo said, raising her hand, "I hate to interrupt this interesting conversation, but I think we need to stop Langstrom Krei and the Nightmare Crown now."

"Exactly, Miss Tomago." Callaghan said. "Hiro, I know it will be risky, but if we need to save San Fransokyo, we've got to do so."

"Right, Professor," Hiro said. "And um, after this is over, do you still want to teach at the institute? I could discuss it with Professor Granville after spring break."

Callaghan was quite hesitant at this, so he stayed quiet and looked down, for a while, then he looked at Hiro.

"No." Callaghan said to him. "I just want... to be... friends. I don't ever want to go back to how I used to be. That's what got me into prison." Hiro smiled. Robert Callaghan had changed for real.

Hiro handed him a picture of him and Tadashi, with their parents and Aunt Cass. "Aunt Cass told me the other day that she remembered me and Tadashi's parents. She gave me this picture to remember them ever since their death. And now, I'm giving this to you, to remember Tadashi, your best student."

Robert stared at the picture. "Are you sure your aunt-"

"It's ok." Hiro finished. "She had this picture copied many times in case one got torn or lost or ruined. She keeps the original under glass in the basement."

Robert smiled fondly. He couldn't remember the last time someone treated him with respect; after everything he went through. He stared down at the picture of Hiro & Tadashi with their parents, and Aunt Cass. 'I will make you proud, Tadashi, my late best student.'

Putting the picture in his pocket, he said to Hiro, "OK, Let's go for the crown! We'll stop Langstrom Krei for good!"

Hiro beamed. "To the power of 6!" he said.

"To the power of 6!" Honey, GoGo, Wasabi, Fred, Callaghan and Baymax said, putting their hands in together.

With that, Big Hero 6, and Callaghan, all set off for Langstrom Krei's mansion, to stop the villainous Langstrom Krei and the Nightmare Crown once and for all.

The final battle for the future of San Fransokyo, and possibly the world, rested in the hands of Hiro, Baymax, Callaghan, and their friends...

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