Chapter 15: Down by the Docks

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Fred noticed Callaghan was quite sleepy at the breakfast table the next day.

"Professor Callaghan?" he asked. "are you alright?"

Callaghan woke with a start. "I'm fine, Fred." he said. "Never been better."

Heathcliff served them their breakfasts.

Later, Hiro & the team, and Callaghan, met in the living room.

"We got the original futurite crystal, so now we need to find the actual crown." GoGo said. "And we've got to find it before Langstrom Krei does." Wasabi added. "You're right there, Wasabi." Callaghan said. 'Perhaps Langstrom is searching for the crown right now." Honey said. "That's right." Hiro said. "We need some more news on the crown right now."

"Perhaps there's something on tv that could help." Fred suggested. He turned the tv on, and almost immediately, a news report came up.

"We interrupt this broadcast for this urgent news report." the reporter said. The team, and Callaghan listened. "News has been going round about a strange robot attacking the docks of San Fransokyo." the reporter said. Hiro looked at the robot on the screen, and his eyes popped wide. "Baymax?" he said, shocked.

"It seems," the reporter said, "that this robot is similar to the one seen with the mysterious superhero team Big Hero 6. If anyone sees any signs of this robot, please inform the San Fransokyo police department immediately."

As Fred turned the tv off, the team, and Callaghan, stared at each other. "I'm sure Baymax can't have done all this." Honey said. "That's right." Hiro said. "Tadashi built him to help others, not to cause evil acts."

"All the same, Hiro, looks like a good lead." Robert Callaghan said. "And look at this." he held out a newspaper. "It says here that a scuba hire shop called 'Yamuba Scuba Hire' has just opened at the docks."

"The suspicious scuba shop, and an evil robot?" GoGo said. "There must be a connection!"

"Guys," Hiro said. "Let's suit up and check it out."

The team & Callaghan suited up, and soon arrived at the docks. "We have to find out more from this 'Yamuba' place." Callaghan said. "It might point us in the right direction for the crown." Hiro said.

They soon found what the 'Yamuba Scuba Hire' place looked like; it looked like a huge sweet shop, but inside was a lot of scuba gear to hire. they entered it easily, for the door was open.

"There has to be something here." Wasabi said, glancing round the shop. "Anything the owner might have left behind, could help us find the crown's location." As the team searched the shop's shelves and racks, Fred searched around near an arm that looked like one from those slot machines on the hiring desk, and he inadvertently pulled it down. At that moment, the desk moved, revealing a secret passage. "Of course!" Hiro said. "A secret passage."

"I call that suspicious." GoGo said. "What could be down in that passage, I wonder?" Hiro said. without a second thought, the team entered the secret passage.

Who knows where it would lead. Hopefully, to a clue on the Nightmare Crown.

Who knows what's in that secret passage.

Stay tuned to find out soon.


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