Chapter 16: Yama's Arena

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The team, and Callaghan soon entered a very dark, and very big room.

"Something's not right about this." Hiro said to the team. "It reminds me of Akuma Island."

Suddenly, bright lights filled the area, revealing the room was like a huge wrestling ring.

And it was then Hiro saw a very familiar figure.

"Yama!" he exclaimed.

Yama & his 3 thugs stared down at Hiro. "I heard from my thugs that you're looking for the Crown of Nightmares."

"We are." Wasabi said. "But I noticed that you can't find the research on it." Yama said. "I heard that all traces of the research was hidden. Hidden by Alistair Krei."

"But I thought it was destroyed." GoGo said. "Is there something we're missing?"

"You know," Callaghan said, "I'm beginning to wonder if Krei ever destroyed the crown's research at all. Perhaps it was just... moved."

"You catch on quick." Yama said. "You've got brains, I'll give you that. But it is such a shame that you'll never ever find out where the crown really is."

Hiro eyed Yama in doubt. "I'm gonna be extremely sorry I asked this, but why?"

Yama grinned evilly. "Because there's NO way you'll survive my battlebot showdown arena!" He cackled evilly, and the thugs laughed too, almost awkwardly.

Yama sighed. "No, guys, it's all in the back of the throat." He turned to Big Hero 6, and Callaghan. "Now for the battlebots to destroy you!"

At that moment, swarms of battlebots, which were all the enemies from the 3DS game Battle in the Bay, all attacked the team, and Callaghan.

"We'd better fight them!" Hiro called.

The team didn't need to be told twice. They set to work, ploughing through the battlebots with their respective skills and/or weaponry.

GoGo used her wheel blades, and even did a Gyro Jackhammer, with wheels outstretched, cutting the metal off the battlebots.

Wasabi's plasma blades sliced through his portion of battlebots easily.

Honey's chemballs gummed up the battlebots, stopping it, allowing Fred to burn them with his fire breath.

Callaghan was able to block all the battlebots attacking him; for his microbots made short work of every battlebot attacking him.

And Baymax used his rocket fists on his group of battlebots, reducing them to scrap.

Yama saw all that. "Hmm." He said. "I seem to have underestimated you, Hiro Hamada. You seemed to be much better than the last time you battled me in the arena."

Hiro stared. "That's still not gonna help you against these," Yama said, summoning more battlebots, with huge versions of Babyface, Sparks, and Zurg from the Toy Story series making cameos.

Despite that, Hiro & his team, and Callaghan destroyed the battlebots, taking care of every last one of them.

The thugs sent group after group of battlebots, one group each turn, but Hiro & his team, and Callaghan defeated them too.

"Wow." Yama said. "You've got guts. Guts, and spunk. And not to mention bravado. And you've got skill, I'll give you that."

"We could smash these monsters around all day!" GoGo cheered.

Yama grinned. "Well, I've certainly seen enough. Let's see how you'll take on my new fighter robot." "If he's anything like your old ones, we'll crush him!" GoGo said.

Yama grinned, then clapped his hands. "Henchbot, take care of these pesky heroes."

Yama's new fighter robot stepped out of the shadows. But When Hiro saw Yama's new fighter robot, his eyes popped wide.

He saw the robot had the same armour as Baymax, but in purple & yellow, the same colour of Yama's jumpsuit.

"Meet my new fighter robot/henchbot; YAMAMAX!" Yama yelled.

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