Chapter 21: Callaghan Confesses

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As soon as Big Hero 6 returned to Fred's mansion and changed out of their super suits, they encountered Professor Callaghan. "Why'd you do it, Callaghan?" Hiro said. "You owed me that much at least."

Callaghan sighed. "All right, Hiro." he said. "I'll come clean."

The team stopped, stared and listened.

"Well, you see," Callaghan explained, "Langstrom was the one who got me out of prison. He wanted me to help you to help him get the Nightmare Crown. I helped you to find the item's locations, but when I inadvertently disobeyed Langstrom's orders on Kikiwaka Island, he ordered me to keep the plan secret, so you wouldn't know what was happening. But I never expected him to betray us like that. It was all for you, Hiro. And, it was best for everyone in the city."

Hiro thought about what Callaghan said, and about when he found out he was the masked figure. He thought of Tadashi, and wanting to destroy Baymax, and then, the portal. Everything seemed to come together.

Then he became really worried in his thoughts. He wondered if he could save the city from Langstrom Krei, and the Nightmare Crown. Could he save them?

Suddenly, Hiro filled with rage. Callaghan had let Langstrom get the crown, and now, everyone in San Fransokyo would be in danger.

he felt so mad, he couldn't stop himself from taking his anger out on Callaghan, like when he'd found out his brother's death had been for nothing, and wanting to destroy him. Now, he felt that feeling all over again.

"This is all your fault!" Hiro shouted at his former idol.

"My fault?!" Callaghan said, shocked and angry.

"Yeah!" Hiro snapped. "You've endangered all of San Fransokyo because of your actions!"

"Hiro, That's not what I meant by that!" Callaghan argued. "I was just trying to help you!"

"You were just trying to help yourself!" Hiro yelled back. "I can't believe you sold us out to Langstrom Krei!"

Callaghan facepalmed. "No!" he said, "You're not listening! He was just a means to an end!"

"More like a liar, a faker, and a crook!" Hiro yelled. "You're a liar, a killer, and a selfish jerk! I have about 2014 reasons to kick you in the shin!"

"But it's not what you think, Hiro, I-"

"But nothing!" Hiro shouted. "You're nothing but a selfish jerk! You don't care about anyone but yourself! I was right all along from the beginning; I should never have trusted you! I should have had Baymax destroy you when I had the chance. You should have just stayed in prison where you belong!"

Then, what Hiro said next shocked everyone in the room. "You should have died in that fire at the showcase, not Tadashi, and then none of this would have happened!"

Robert's eyes became misty, and he looked down, then he spoke something Hiro never expected him to say. "You're right, Hiro."

"And what's more, I..." Suddenly, Hiro stopped. His expression changed from stern to surprised. "What did you just say?"

"You're right, Hiro." Robert said. Hiro's eyes popped wide with wonder. "What?" he said. "Are you thinking clearly?"

"Yes, Hiro. For the first time, I AM thinking clearly." Robert sighed sadly as he looked at Hiro and his friends. "You were right. In fact, you were right from the beginning, Hiro." he said sadly. "You should never have trusted me. You should have had Baymax destroy me when you had the chance. I'm not a good guy. I'm just a villain. A stupid, useless, pathetic, selfish villain." A small sob caught in his throat. "And that's all I ever am."

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