Chapter 8: Operation A113

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Hiro, Baymax, and Callaghan searched the industrial district of San Fransokyo for anything that could link Langstrom Krei to any powerful technology. So far, they'd had no luck, until...

"Life signals detected in that building." Baymax said. Hiro, Baymax, and Callaghan headed to the building that the scan came from. In the building, they saw through the windows that 3 people were standing in front of a screen, and, to Hiro Hamada, the 3 people were familiar.

"I hear you're falling behind in progress with Operation A113." A voice said on a screen; A voice that came from Yama.

Hiro looked and saw three familiar people. 'Are those Yama's thugs?" He remembered them from the bot fight Tadashi had rescued him from.

"We are doing our best with the plan, Yama, sir." One thug said. "Well, you need to step it up a gear if you need to get Operation A113 running soon for Langstrom Industries." Yama said. "Langstrom Krei is counting on you." The screen went blank. The 3 thugs turned to each other.

"As soon as we get Op. A113 up and running, the Crown of Nightmares will soon be reborn!" The second thug cackled.

At that moment, Hiro gasped loudly. The thugs heard it. "What was that?" the first thug asked. Hiro, Baymax, and Callaghan ducked down. "Maybe it was the building settling." The second thug said. "So a building settling sounds like someone gasping?" the first thug said. "Yes. Yes it does." The third thug said.

"Yama's thugs are planning something?" Wasabi said when the team met up again at the lab. "Yes." Hiro said. "And," Callaghan added, "They're operating it under the name 'Operation A113.'"

"That sounds familiar." Honey said.

"Oh yeah." Antonio said as he and Sharon came in, "We forgot to tell you, some of our sonic amplification technology was stolen last night. We don't know who took it; our security cameras were sabotaged."

"Is there anything you can remember about this stolen technology?" Hiro asked. "Perhaps we can recover it." "It will have our logo on it." Sharon said. "What does this logo look like?" GoGo asked.

"This." Antonio said, as he showed a picture of the logo; it was a six-toed footprint in a white circle with a red outline. On the footprint, there were the words 'Scalin Labs'. The team stared at it. There was a long silence.

"Your footprint is the logo of your lab." Callaghan said bluntly. "It must be amazing to have 6 toes on your feet." Fred said happily. "Yes, yes it is." Antonio said, grinning broadly as he wriggled the 6 toes on his foot. "Is there anything six-toed feet can't do?"

"It is so disturbing." Wasabi said.

"Maybe the stolen sonic amplification technology might be linked to Operation A113." Honey said. "It's possible." Hiro said. "And," Sharon added, "we've also been hearing strange banging noises lately. They're from underground, but we can't tell what it is and/or why."

"Stolen technology, and strange banging noises from underground. Maybe the A113 operation is part of it." Wasabi said.

"Quite." Hiro said. "We need to find out for ourselves."

Upon exiting the lab, they noticed an oil spill. And there were some oily shoe prints leading from the lab. "Maybe someone left a trail leading from the lab." GoGo said. "We'd better follow it." Callaghan said.

The team followed the oil trail through the industrial district. They even stopped at a red light at a crosswalk.

"Huh." Wasabi said sheepishly. "There might not be red lights in a car chase, but there are in following an oil trail."

The trail soon came toward an old warehouse. "Hmm." said Hiro. "The trail ends here." "We'd better be careful." Honey said. "Who knows what trouble will be there?"

With that, the team, and Callaghan entered the warehouse.

Suddenly, the whole warehouse lit up, and the door locked behind them. Then two of Yama's thugs showed up. "Got you, Hiro Hamada!" They shouted.

"I knew it was too easy." Robert Callaghan said.

"The boss told us you were coming." One thug said. "We're not gonna have you spoil our plans, especially after the battlebot invasion you stopped." The other thug said.

"This is an ambush!" Fred said.

"And now, we've got a bit of unfinished business to take care of." The first thug said. "Soon, this site will be a new historical landmark for San Fransokyo - the spot where Hiro Hamada met his untimely end!" the second thug said.

"I know I'm gonna be very sorry that I asked this, but what did you have in mind to finish me?" Hiro asked.

"Behold!" the 2 thugs said, revealing something that shocked them. "It's time for you to meet Super Tiger 2.0!

It was the Super Tiger robot from the 3DS game Battle in the Bay, but instead of being blue & yellow, like in the game, it was orange & black, just like a real tiger, and it had 5 tails instead of 3, and it looked slightly bigger.

Super Tiger 2.0 roared loudly. The team stared in shock.

"Whoa. Déjà vu." Wasabi said.



What will happen to the team now?

Will they be crushed by a remade boss from the 3DS Big Hero 6 videogame?

Will the warehouse become 'the spot where Hiro Hamada met his untimely end'?

Will the team find the stolen sonic amplifying equipment?

And does Antonio make such a nice logo shape with his 6-toed feet?

Stay tuned to find out!


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