Chapter 17: YAMAMAX

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The memory flashed back to Hiro.


In the portal, with Abigail's pod, Baymax was all set to get them out, but a big chunk of debris hit him, damaging his armor.

"There is still a way I can get you both to safety." Baymax said, as he put his rocket fist into the bottom of the pod with Abigail inside it.

Hiro stared at Baymax. "No, no, no, no, no, wait." He said, shocked. "What about you?"

"You are my patient." Baymax said calmly.

Hiro tried to stop Baymax. "B-B-Baymax, No!" "Your health is my only concern." Baymax said.

"Stop!" Hiro said. "No, I-I-I'm-I'm gonna figure out-"

"Are you satisfied with my care?" Baymax asked.

Hiro was getting frantic now. "No! There's gotta be another way! I'm not gonna leave you here! I'll think of something!"

"There is no time. Are you satisfied with my care?" Baymax asked.

"Please, no!" said Hiro, now on the brink of tears. "I can't lose you too!"

"Hiro...." Baymax said, "I will always be with you."

Hiro tearfully hugged Baymax. He could feel himself crying, over losing first Tadashi, and now Baymax. Baymax hugged him back.

"I am satisfied with my care." Hiro said, heartbroken over losing Baymax. But he knew it was for good reason.

With that, the rocket fist blasted off, pushing the pod and sending Hiro & Abigail back to San Fransokyo.

Hiro could only watch sadly as Baymax drifted off into the darkness of the portal...


Hiro stared at Yamamax. "You're... you're... you're the same Baymax I sacrificed in that portal!" he said.

"I was." Yamamax said, speaking in a voice that sounded like Turner from Handy Manny, except more mechanical. "But now I serve Yama."

"I wanted revenge on you since you beat me in that bot fighter tournament 2 months back, and since you beat me a few days ago, that made my vengeance more stronger than ever." Yama stated angrily.

"Right." Hiro said. "We've beat this guy before, guys, so let's do it again."

Yama grinned evilly. "We'll see about that." he said. "Yamamax, destroy!"

Yamamax went up and aimed his rocket fist toward the team. Baymax stepped up, and repelled the attack.

"A foolish mistake." Yamamax said, then he and Baymax started fighting.

Baymax found it difficult to beat the copy of himself. "This robot has the same moves I have." he said. "This will be a tough fight."

"You catch on fast." Yamamax said. "But this will be over soon."

Baymax dodged the blows Yamamax fired. "Who would have thought that Yama turned the first Baymax into a killer?" Wasabi said. Hiro sighed. "If Tadashi was alive right now, he'd never let me hear the end of it." Hiro said.

Baymax blocked the blows that Yamamax sent out. Then, When Yamamax charged towards him, Baymax darted away using his rocket thrusters.

Yamamax tried to thruster up after him, but found that Callaghan had used the microbots to tie his thrusters down. Then he used the microbots to hold Yamamax down. Then GoGo leapt up and hit a switch on Yamamax's back. "Powering off." Yamamax said, and he switched off.

"NO!" Yama said, horrified. he tried to leave, but Callaghan grabbed him and his thugs with the microbots. "Now... Yama, was it?" he said, "What do you know about the Crown of Nightmares?"

Yama said, "Langstrom Krei told me everything. He managed to steal some data from Krei Tech's new high security vault, that was installed when the building was rebuilt. It contained some old map of an old temple, some distance from here."

"Where is it, Yama?" Hiro asked. "Tell us!" Yama sighed, and produced the map. "Here." he said. "I had it stashed in my underpants."

Upon hearing that, Wasabi fainted. "Errr... thanks." Hiro said, also quite disgusted. He looked at the map. There was a dotted line leading all the way to a big red X at a temple, surrounded by palm trees. "The co-ordinates are on the back." Yama added. "Thank you for this information." Hiro said. Callaghan released them, and Yama & his thugs left the building in a hurry, after collecting the de-activated Yamamax.

"Hey!" said GoGo. "They're getting away!" "Don't worry, GoGo," Hiro said. "I'm sure they're not worth it."

Yama & his thugs were on the run. "Where shall we hide, boss?" one thug asked. "There!" the second thug said, pointing to a fish delivery truck. "Come on!" Yama said. Then he and his thugs ran into the fish truck... only to find it was a disguised police van!

"Got you!" One cop said. "And you said Krei's disguise device was a stupid idea." The other cop said.

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