The Past Returns

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Disclaimer: This is my story, my creation, I own the rights to it.

Chapter One

(The Past Returns)

It was just after 10pm as Alana sat on the couch looking at a photo album. She smiled as she looked at pictures of her late husband and daughter. Alana had given up everything she’d ever known for the love of her life. She had no idea that her happily ever after would only last a few years. Her husband was killed only four years after she had given up everything. He would never even see the daughter she would give him.

Feeling a sudden warmth Alana stopped stitching to see a glow befall the room. Within moments four male fae appeared before her clocked in silver.

“Selon,” Alana said. She immediately recognizing the four men but addressed only the leader of them. “What are you doing here?” She asked very calmly.

“Where is the girl?” Selon asked in a calm but firm tone.

“Where is what girl?” Alana asked as concern entered her heart. She wasn’t sure if he was referring to her granddaughter or not. Without him being specific she wasn’t about to reveal anything. She knew not to give free information to a fae. She was once fae as well and knew better.

“Your granddaughter,” Vlince announced.

Alana looked to Vlince and then back to Selon. She didn’t speak but did give them a questioning look. She didn’t know why they would ask about her granddaughter. There was no reason for it.

“Where is she Alana?” Selon asked becoming suddenly irritated.

“Why?” Alana asked. She was thankful that her granddaughter wasn’t home and wasn’t due back for a while longer. “What’s going on?”

The former Fae watched as the group exchanged looks and was having a private conversation. They were deciding whether or not to answer her.

“I’m not telling you anything else until you answer me,” Alana said firmly as she crossed her arms.

“I am not at liberty to discuss anything more than obtaining the girl,” Selon announced.

“Obtaining….you plan to take her to Shalace?!” She said shocked. “Why?!” The four men remained silent. “By who’s orders are you here?” She demanded.

“Your parents,” Vlince replied simply.

Alana didn’t know what to do now. Alana had forfeited all magic to become mortal and be with her husband. The woman knew she could not stop the men from taking Callista. Even if the girl fought the four men they would simply be spell the teenage girl and take her with them anyway. Alana silently hoped Callista wouldn’t come home any time soon.

“Where is she Alana?” Selon asked again.

“She isn’t here. Perhaps you could return tomorrow?” Alana suggested.

“I don’t think so.”

“Beven,” Alana said as her eldest brother appeared before her. Alana hadn’t seen her brother since she’d left her realm. From the look on his face he still hadn’t forgiven her for leaving either.

“King Beven, mortal,” He said openly angry toward her.

Alana knew in that instant she was in more trouble than she had previously thought. A quick glance at the clock revealed it could be any moment that her granddaughter would arrive. She needed to think of something quickly.

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