This isn't a Hotel?

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                                                            Chapter Two

                                                     (This isn’t a Hotel?)

     Callista opened her eyes and yawned. Still not fully awake she sat up in bed and looked at her surroundings. “Where am I?” She asked finding herself alone in a large room. She looked down at the bed she was in. “Hotel,” She said looking at the perfect comforter. “Guess I better find Grams,” She sighed. She stretched her arms up over her head and slipped out of the large bed.

     She pulled her ponytail tighter and looked around the room. She didn’t see her luggage anywhere. “Grams must have put everything in the closet.” She walked over and opened a door. She entered a very large closet and found her luggage. She picked it up and knew it was empty. “She unpacked?” She said more than a little surprised. Her grams had always been quick to get settled but not this quick. She shrugged and left the room 

   Callista walked back into the main room and found a large dresser. Callista walked over and opened the drawers. All of her clothing had been neatly put away. “Works for me,” the teenage girl commented. She pulled out a black pair of addidas shorts and turquoise and black jersey. She quickly got changed and throwing on socks and sneakers she headed for the door.

     Callista opened the door and walked out to find two men standing there at attention. She looked at one and then the other and shrugged. She looked down a hallway to the right and then left. “Which way?” She said out loud. She turned to the man on the right “Which way to the dining room?”

     “This way,” The man on the left said. Callista shrugged and headed toward the left.

     Callista couldn’t help but be surprised as she walked through the halls. There was a lot of stone and artwork. Everything looked perfect and expensive. She’d never stayed at this nice of a hotel with her grandmother before. She wondered what the occasion was. She also wondered how she’d gotten there. She didn’t remember anything past being told to take Beven’s hand.

     “This place is huge!” Callista commented as she walked. As they came to a large staircase Callista’s mouth fell open. The staircase was wide and screamed prestigious. She couldn’t help but think the stairs belonged in a castle somewhere. An enormous crystal chandelier hung lighting the stairway.

     “Are you alright?” The man on her left asked.

     “Yeah just never seen anything like this,” She said barely above a whisper. “It’s amazing.”

     “This way my lady,” He replied smiling at her. She followed as they descended the stairs. She couldn’t hide her amazement. Even in her shorts and jersey she felt like a princess walking down the stairs.

     They reached the bottom stair and walked down the hall on the right hand side of the stairs. Callista looked at the scenery as they walked. They came toward two closed doors. Two men were standing outside the doors at attention. Seeing the trio approach the two men immediately opened the two doors allowing entrance.

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