A little laughter at breakfast

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Chapter 43

(A little laughter at Breakfast)

It was early as Callista walked through the castle hallways toward the dining room to have breakfast. She was a little surprised to hear laughter as she approached the room but preferred to hear her friends laughing rather than crying.

She raised her eyebrow just in time to see both girls wiping tears away from their eyes from laughing so hard. “Something is funny.”

“Oh my gosh! You fell that many times?!” Brandy said openly finding it hilarious.

“Tattling on me already are we?” I said and looked at the four men.

“well…um...uh…it’s…..” Greer fell silent and Callista laughed.

“Ah being a princess isn’t changing our girl,” Jenna said knowing the girl had been teasing the guard.

“No kidding,” Brandy said looking at the blonde woman’s basketball attire. “We really need to get you to wear other things.”

“I do when there’s a ball or I’m fighting,” Callista replied less than pleased before walking over and sitting down. She looked at her friends and not seeing her red haired friend said, “Where’s Lola?”

“She’s not up yet,” Brandy said unconcerned.


“She is now,” Jenna said as they instantly recognized the screaming voice as belonging to their friend.

Callista smiled hearing the sound of stomping feet. “Three, two, one.”

“Callista where the hell am I?!” The red head said from the doorway; her hands on her hips and her right foot tapping against the stone floor.

“You’re not in Kansas anymore Toto,” Jenna quipped.

“AHHHH!!!” She screamed. “This is….this is….”

“So you’ve said,” Callista teased.

“This is not normal Callista!” She said clearly unsure of how to deal with her new surroundings. “We go to high school. You are captain of the basketball team. I am….damn it! I’m not going to make prom am I? Do they have donuts here? You know I love my chocolate bars. Can I get those here?”

“Do all women from the mortal realm switch thoughts as rapidly as you?” Vardan commented looking at his little sister.

“Who knows we’ve been hanging around with your sister for so long it could be exposure to her,” Jenna commented as she flipped her dark black hair with red streaks in it. She looked at Callista to see the blonde smiling at her. “What?” She asked suddenly concerned. Callista stayed silent. “Stop it!” Jenna said suddenly on her feet. “You’re starting to freak me out!”

“Her highness hasn’t done anything,” Chale commented baffled by the woman’s actions.

“He don’t know you very well do he?” Lola said in her best Bugs Bunny voice. Looking at Aidan’s captain she said, “When she gets quiet it usually means look out.”

“Yeah!” Callista said like a child as a plate of chocolate muffins was placed on the table.

“Crisis diverted we have muffins,” Brandy said intimidating an air traffic controller. Callista rolled her eyes before tossing a muffin at her friend. “Works to my advantage,” Brandy said and began eating the muffin.

“Great but what about my donuts?” Lola asked. “Yeah!” she said as a plate was placed on the table containing a few donuts.

“See I’m looking out for you,” Callista said.

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