Dagger Competition

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Chapter 19

(Dagger Competition)

Callista left her room headed for the dagger competition. The teenage girl knew how to throw daggers exceptionally well. Still, this was her first competition and she was feeling a bit nervous.

“You’ll do fine princess,” Cavin said reassuringly. “You can do this blindfolded.”

The teenage girl looked over at her Captain and smiled. She appreciated the encouraging words but her stomach still felt like it was doing summersaults.

“Hold out your hand,” Braiden said. Callista did and a muffin appeared in it. Cavin took her daggers and a moment later a coke was in her hand courtesy of Greer.

“I don’t know what I’d ever do without you,” Callista said openly appreciative. Callista ate the muffin and continued on drinking her coke.

“What is that?” Amara asked as she joined the girl on her way.

“It’s a coke,” Callista replied. “I’m nervous. It’ll help settle my stomach.”

“Why?” Amara asked surprised Callista was so openly nervous.

“First competition,” Callista reminded her. “I’m just glad I’m not competing in archery.” Amara glanced at Cavin who shook his head no. Amara had to suppress a giggle. No one had told Callista she’d be competing in archery. The Dragon Princess decided she’d keep the secret till at least after this competition. If it was anyone else she’d have told just to make them more nervous. Amara liked Callista though, and wanted her to do well.

It wasn’t long until they reached the field. There were several competitors and stands were set up for the audience. Callista looked to see her father was sitting next to King Pazel in the royal box. She quickly took another drink of coke finishing it. Cavin took care of her trash and Callista looked at the targets that had been set up.

“This way,” Amara said and they joined the rest of the competitors. Callista had to stifle a groan at seeing Lady Nadine among the competitors.

“Oh the young princess really is competing,” Lady Nadine commented. “Don’t feel bad when you lose to me sweetie. You are new after all.”

Callista smiled rather amused. She knew this woman had no idea what she was capable and had already made the fatal mistake of underestimating her. “May the best thrower win.”

“Don’t worry, I will,” She said and turned back to another known consort.

Amara leaned over to Callista and said, “Don’t hold back.”

“You either,” Callista replied. Amara nodded. Callista turned her head to look at the field. Amara watched her and got the sneaky feeling that Callista might not be as much of an armature as everyone assumed.

The teenage girl looked at the field. She looked at each target and studied its appearance and position. She looked at the length of the grass the dark wood color surrounding the targets. Even the position of the sun was important to her.

Callista found herself reminded of the feeling of walking out to a championship basketball game or soccer tournament. The teenager could hear the sound of the cheering crowd in her head. The sound of her name chanted as she stepped onto the court. She became lost in her thoughts as she remembered game after game. Sports were her thing. Weapons could be her new sport.

It wasn’t long and the first competitors walked out onto the field and threw their daggers at their targets. Once finished the two would leave and separate into two waiting areas. The winner would go to the left and the loser to the right.

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