The Ball

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Chapter 7

(The Ball)

The time for the ball had arrived. Callista had been hidden in her room since before the guests had started to arrive. She had managed to peer out her window a couple of times but hadn’t had a chance to see anyone. Alana had kept the girl under wraps.

“You look beautiful,” Alana told her granddaughter.

“Thanks Grams. So do you,” She replied looking at the shimmering cream beaded dress Alana wore.

Alana smiled and looked her granddaughter over in amazement. For most purposes the dress was rather simple compared to the way most women’s dresses would be. Callista’s dress was Aquamarine. It was strapless and flowed elegantly down to the ground. There was a pattern of brocade roses that gave the dress a little more elegance.

Alana walked around to look at the back of the dress. There were tiny buttons that went down the back of the dress giving it a unique and prestigious elegance. The dress had a little train that would flow behind her as she walked. The other girls might have poofy dresses and lots of things on their dresses but Alana had no doubt that the girl in a simply elegant dress would attract attention.

“Are you okay Grams?” Callista asked watching the elderly woman.

“Yes dear. Just taking you in,” The woman replied as she looked at Callista’s blonde hair. It had been put up in a very 17th century Mortal realm fashion. “You truly are breath taking,”

“Just cross your fingers I don’t slip!” She teased. Alana smiled and shook her head. “I know it’s just a new game.” Hearing a knock both women turned to look at the door.

Alana walked over and barely opened the door. “It’s time,” Callista heard a voice say. Alana turned back and looked at the girl. She gave her an encouraging smile and left the room.

It was only a few seconds more and her guards entered her room. They walked in and when the door closed they all stopped dead. They starred at Callista in Awe. They hadn’t seen the dress or anything else. They had been outside completely unaware of what she would look like.

“My Lady,” Cavin said. All four men bowed to her. Returning to a standing position he said, “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” She told the four men. “Guess its show time.” She smiled and felt butterflies in her stomach.

We will be with you She heard Cavin say. She looked at him and realized he hadn’t spoken out loud. Before she could ask he said, “You need only think of us.”

Really Cavin She thought.

“Really,” He replied speaking out loud. Callista didn’t think. She walked over and hugged the four men. Then realizing it probably wouldn’t look good if someone came in she blushed.

“Just don’t do that at the ball,” Braiden said. The group of five laughed and the girl nodded.

“Let’s go,” Cavin announced. “It’s time to show the court there’s a new power in town.”

Suddenly Callista didn’t feel nervous at all. Her captain’s words made her feel like taking on the world. She felt the familiar confidence she felt whenever she would walk out onto a basketball court or soccer field for a game. She was ready.

“Let’s not keep them waiting,” Callista said as confidence took over her nervousness. It wasn’t the sound of let’s get this over with. It was let’s take control.

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