You will compete

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Chapter 17

(You will compete)

Soren walked out on his private balcony to find a surprising sight. Callista was in the courtyard throwing daggers and throwing them with impeccable accuracy. He stood in silence and watched his daughter. Even if Callista hadn’t offered up the fact that Alana had given her some training he’d know now. Alana had been one of the most deadly dagger throwers he’d ever met. She’d certainly been the most talented woman in Shalace when it came to Daggers. He left his balcony deciding to let his presence be known.

The Dark King entered the courtyard a few moments later to see the teenage girl throw four daggers in a row very quickly and straight into their targets. “Very good.”

“Father,” Callista said turning to face him. Immediately she curtsied to him. “Thank you,” She said a moment later.

“I’ll send word that you will compete,” King Soren announced. Callista looked at him surprised. Seeing her uncertainty he added, “Your brothers are also competing. And if for some reason you don’t do well don’t let it bother you. We have all had a bad competition at some point.”

“I guess as long as I don’t touch a bow I can’t do anything to horrid,” The blonde haired girl replied.

“I slipped in water and speared a goat.” Callista turned to see Owen had walked up. The girl looked at him wondering if he was joking or not. “Yes it really happened. It was my second competition I believe.”

“Third,” Moryn corrected. “Vardan jousted a hat his second competition.”

Callista let out a couple of laughs at that. “How did he do that?!”

“Not paying attention,” The dark elf said shaking his head. “Queen Eliene was not happy about her hat. Or the fact that she ended up on the ground.

“I’m surprised you let him compete again,” The teenager commented. The dark king simply shrugged. “He must not have messed up like that again.”

“Not that bad anyway,” Ramsey commented. Callista giggled and the elf realized he’d spoken out loud. His sudden change in demure revealed he hadn’t meant to vocalize his thoughts causing Callista to giggle once more.

“When you are finished you will need to choose attire for your competition,” King Soren announced.

“I take it you won’t let me wear my jersey,” The girl said disappointed.

“No. I don’t expect you to wear a court dress but you need to be dressed to your station in armor.” The king noticed the girl still wasn’t happy and said, “Unless of course you would prefer to wear a gown.”

“Like I said Armor sounds great!” Callista said quickly. She was a little afraid her father would take back the offer of allowing her to wear competition clothes.

“We will allow you to continue.” With that the dark elf left taking his sons and guards with him. Callista was left alone with her guards.

The teenage girl practiced for another hour and then headed toward the armory room to find something to wear for her competition.

“What can I do for you your majesty?” A dark elf with brown hair and brown eyes inquired.

“I’m competing in the tournament and I can’t wear this and I am not about to wear a dress. What have you got?”

Amusement danced in the eyes of the dark elf. He had been told the princess was not fond of dresses but this was his first encounter with the young princess. “Let me see what I have. I may need to have something brought in. We haven’t had a female member of royalty for quite some time.”

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